LD Resources on the Internet
If you're looking for information on learning disabilities, check out LD OnLine. The URL is .
LD OnLine offers information and ideas about learning disabilities for parents, teachers, and children. Features include the ABCs of learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder, a national calendar, audio clips from experts, artwork and essays by children with learning differences, research findings, bulletin boards, a resource guide, and in-depth information on dyslexia, ADD, and more. It's the official site of the Coordinated Campaign for Learning Disabilities.
LD OnLine is a service of The Learning Disabilities Project at WETA-TV, ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ D.C., in association with The Parents' Educational Resource Center and The Coordinated Campaign for Learning Disabilities. School partners include The Lab School of ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ and Arlington County (VA) Public Schools. LD Online has been made possible by a grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.