2011 Achievement Highlights

Jenica, '10 Scholar

Vice president of her high school's DECA chapter, awarded Rotary Student of the Month, and also serves as president of her school's Knowledge Bowl team.

Benjy, '10 Scholar

Awarded the Corey Lux Scholarship.

Maximo, '10 Scholar

Member of the honor society at Vashon High School.

Senait, '03 Scholar

Nominated to be a Boren Scholar.

Shelby, '09 Scholar

Member of Brigham Young University's student leadership and service group and the Public Relations Students Society of America.

Nohemi, '00 Scholar

Awarded a scholarship from the PEO Foundation and the Chair Scholars Foundation towards her education in computer science.

Nicco, '10 Scholar

Student lead for the robotic program at Chief Sealth High School.

Marlise, '10 Scholar

Director and lead actor in two high school plays.

Angela, '10 Scholar

Serves as an honor society officer at Holy Names Academy.

Damon, '10 Scholar

Vice president of his school's honor society.

Erik, '08 Scholar

Participated in the Burlington Edison High School's debate team and was named a Rotary Student of the Month.

Heidi, '07 Scholar

Graduated from Cascadia Community College with honors and was accepted into the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, Bothell. Also nominated for the All ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State Academic Team.

Niki, '10 Scholar

Earned the Unbeaten Award.

Vanessa, '09 Scholar

Received a total of $4,000 in scholarships for her coursework at Yakima Valley Community College.

Ryan, '09 Scholar

Took first place at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State Solo and Ensemble Competition for timpani and third place for snare drum. Valedictorian of his graduating class.

Jeremy, '08 Scholar

Moved into his own apartment.