In Memory

Chris, '01 Scholar. Chris passed away in his dorm room at the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ on February 18, 2004. His heart simply gave out. This was his second quarter at the UW. DO-IT staff, Scholars, Ambassadors, Pals, and Mentors were all part of making his childhood dream of attending the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ a reality. As Chris said in one DO-IT Snapshots publication, "My goals in life are to attend the School of Engineering at the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ and become an aeronautical engineer for Boeing." He was well on his way. Besides being an enthusiastic Husky fan, Chris was always looking for ways to get involved in engineering. He took classes in CAD and designed an accessible Habitat for Humanity home.

Shawnna, '94 Scholar. She worked at Columbia Industries in Kennewick, WA. She makes a powerful case for technology access in an early DO-IT video designed for science teachers. She says, "I have Muscular Dystrophy and I use large print books to see the print better. I can't write at all with my hands, so I use a computer to write my papers and communicate with other people." These contributions are included in the video Working Together: Science Teachers and Students with Disabilities at Through this presentation, her advice will continue to help science teachers for many years to come.

Anna, '93 Scholar. An active ambassador, panelist and speaker at DO-IT events, NASA scholarship recipient, UW graduate, artist, volunteer, businesswomen, daughter, sister, and friend, Anna lost her battle with cancer on June 29, 2004. Some of us were privileged to know Anna and will cherish memories of her academic accomplishments, business sense, artistic ability, sense of color, determination, creativity, strong opinions about almost everything, and unique sense of humor. She will be missed by all who knew her. Featured in many DO-IT videos (, she will continue to share advice for college and career success with students, parents, teachers, employees, and advocates.