Staff Mentors Profiles
My name is . I have a husband, Dave, and a son, Travis. I have Bachelors and Masters degrees in mathematics and a Ph.D. in higher education. I am an Assistant Director within Computing & Communications and a Research Assistant Professor at the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´. I am particularly interested in how people with disabilities can make use of computers and networks to achieve high levels of independence, productivity, and participation. I'm also interested in how the Internet can be used to create an electronic community...and, of course, I'm very interested in the "doitkids." Oh, by the way, I direct the DO-IT project!
When not serving as the head technical nerd for DO-IT, I manage the Adaptive Technology Lab at the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´. I have a wife, Louise, who is a pediatric ICU nurse and a son, Zane. Apart from work and family, any spare time is spent working with my search and rescue dog.
My name is Darin Stageberg. I'm originally from Portland, Oregon; however, I've spent the past four years in Idaho before coming aboard DO-IT. I received both my baccalaureate, Psychology, and graduate, Rehabilitation Counseling, degrees from the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho. Responsibilities in the program range from career/vocational counseling to "Dorm Dad". My disability is hard of hearing. It is my goal to provide support and be a role model to youngsters with disabilities. I have an identical twin brother, Bart. Finally, I'm a sports fanatic who enjoys playing basketball, football, and softball.
My name is Kristin Otis and I am a Counselor/Coordinator for DO-IT. I grew up in Madison, Wisconsin and am the youngest of five children. During my freshman year of college, I discovered that I had a learning disability. This was an incredible turning point in my life. I learned that I COULD learn, although I didn't completely breeze through college, I did get through! I graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1993 with a BS in Communicative Disorders. Before DO-IT, I worked as a speech and language specialist in southern California. Now I live in Seattle and am very excited to be a member of the DO-IT team.
My name is Marvin Crippen and I work for DO-IT. I help Dan out with technical support, work on the DO-IT World Wide Web homepage and help make computer and science labs accessible. I also work in the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´'s Adaptive Technology Lab. If you're on campus, come by and see me.