Phase II Scholars


I'm Anthony from North Dakota. I'll be a Senior in high school this fall. I will take classes that fit around my career plans like marketing and child development. I have Cerebral Palsy. My main interests are technologies for handicapped people to help them along in life. I find that many handicapped people, including myself, wouldn't be interacting in the world without the aid of technology. My biggest dream is to be a developer of speaking devices. I thank DO-IT for the opportunity of helping my dream come true of helping other disabled people!

I'm Ben and I live in ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ state. I have Muscular Dystrophy. Well, another year has flown by and I've made some significant changes in my life because of the DO-IT program. In school my subjects of interest have increased dramatically because now I can access information on a whim. I've traveled the world on the Internet without even leaving my room. I'm going to be a Senior and I've been selected as Vice President of my Senior class. So far, DO-IT has taught me to meet people over the Internet and I've even been offered a job over the 'Net'. Without DO-IT, I'd still probably be watching other people have success but now they're watching me. Look out world because Ben is coming and he's going to just DO-IT!!

My name is Jen (better known as JennyLin on-line). I'm 17 and will be a Senior in high school in ÌÇÐÄÔ´´. I have Peripheral Neuropathy which affects my outer parts (i.e., I can't walk. *grin*). I'm interested in all scientific things...but I really go for environmentally-related things. I have met MANY new and interesting people on the Internet, become more open to possibilities, and have learned a LOT from my fellow DO-IT Scholars/Mentors/staff and others out there in this great BIG world.

I'm Maria from ÌÇÐÄÔ´´. I have post-polio. Since I just graduated from high school, I don't have many extra-curricular activities. I used to be in Honor Society, in Science Olympia, and a volunteer at a local hospital. I'm interested in psychology, biology, and chemistry. Having a computer helped me out with all of my classes my Senior year. Instead of going to the library, I could have a head start finding crucial information to write a paper for my classes. I'm getting very informative advice from people who go to the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´, which is helpful to me since I will be a Freshman there this fall. More than ever I will need my computer during my college years and, with the help of DO-IT, that's possible.

My name is Daniel and I live in ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ state. I will be a Senior in high school this coming year. I am very active. I run cross country and track for my school. I also scuba dive, have two paper routes and I work at Dairy Queen. I am also in Honor Society. I have a learning disability. I have trouble in math and spelling. It takes me longer to read books and take tests. The use of computers helps me with spelling and grammar and helps me make my school reports look more professional.

Hi, my name is Travis. I am from Idaho. I am starting college in September, majoring in Computer Science. Computers and computer programming is what I enjoy most. I also like hanging out with my friends, reading, listening to music (only the best -- country!), and driving my car. My disabilities include shortness (only 4' 7"), orthopedic problems in my legs, and kidney and associated problems. Being disabled has affected my view of the world -- and in most cases has, in my mind, improved my views and attitudes. Being in DO-IT has made me realize that I am not alone in being disabled, but also has made me aware of all of the various disabilities out there. I have really enjoyed being in the DO-IT program.

My name is Takuya. I live in ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ and just graduated from high school. I will be a Freshman at the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ in the fall of 1995. My disabilities are health impairment, nervous system dysmorphia, and congenital scoliosis. My interests are physics, biology, theory of math, trigonometry, calculus, and computers. My hobbies are collecting stamps and reading many books. I live with my parents and am an only child. This summer I went to Portland, Maine, for a mathematics contest. The Internet helped me to find information about the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´.

My name is Sherri. I am going to be a Freshman at Southern Oregon State College. My interests are in genetics, psychology, and computers, and I enjoy doing volunteer work in my community. I have optic atrophy and am legally blind. This means I can't see very well, but I pick up on where things are very quickly. It has been invaluable to me to have a computer. I have met many people and have learned about their college experiences which has helped my transition to college.

Hi all! My name is Shawnna and I attend high school in ÌÇÐÄÔ´´. I am 17 years old. My illness is Muscular Dystrophy which attacks the muscles. But I get done what I need to, like going to school, which isn't really a task since I enjoy it. My hobbies include swim-ming, collecting baseball cards, watching T.V. and working on my computer.

I am Nguyen, a 19 year old Senior. In 1992, I suffered a gunshot wound to the right hemi-sphere of my head which paralyzed the left side of my body. I use a one-handed keyboard. I have lived many places, but like ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ the best.

My name is Sarah. I will be a Senior in high school in ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ state. Next year I will be taking a Health Science pre-college course. At the end of the year I will be a certified Medical Assistant and will be working in the Pathology Lab at the V.A. Hospital in Portland, OR. After high school I plan on going to a university in Nevada and majoring in Clinical Lab Science. I do very well in high school and have kept a GPA of 3.7. The things I like to do are going to work with my mom during the day and walking/running all the time. My disability is a learning disability called Dyslexia which affects my reading, math, and spelling. The DO-IT program has really helped me a lot with understanding my disability and other types of disabilities. It has really made me open more doors for myself in believing I can DO-IT for life!

Hi! My name is Carolyn. I'm 17 years old. This coming year I will be a Senior in high school. In the future, I would like to teach in some sort of science capacity. I also enjoy writing in my spare time. I was born with Cerebral Palsy. I also have a neurological disorder that causes low vision and is currently in the process of being diagnosed.

My name is Kris and I live in Oregon. This fall I will be starting Honors College as a micro-biology major. My interests include computers, medicine, marine biology, space, and science in general. I own and operate a business that builds and sells custom computer systems, consults for companies and individuals, and writes custom software. For fun I like to ski, play tennis, S.C.U.B.A. dive, swim and do gymnastics. I also volunteer as Director of Computer Services for the Ashland School District. Oh yeah, I'm supposed to mention my disability (besides being insane). I am visually impaired.

My name is Megan. I live in Idaho. This year I would have been a Senior in high school but instead I am a Sophomore in college. I live in the dorms at a community college in Oregon. I am currently a biology major. My academic interests are biology, anatomy and physiology, and math. I also am interested in the piano, voice, and music in general. My other hobbies include teaching swimming and just relaxing. My disability is post or chronic lyme disease. DO-IT has been a great way to meet other disabled students.