Are there fume hoods that are accessible to people with mobility impairments?

Date Updated

Yes, although standard fume hoods may be inaccessible to some users because of height and configuration, portable fume hoods allow flexibility in configuration and placement. They can be placed on adjustable-height tables to allow access for users who are seated, short in stature, or using a wheelchair. Several models of portable, ductless fume hoods are available from . These hoods require no installation other than the connection of a power cord and can be easily set up on carts or tables.

For additional resources and information on accommodating students with disabilities in science labs, consult Working Together: Science Teachers and Students with Disabilities and/or view the video with the same title. You may also wish to consult , published by the American Chemical Society, and the comprehensive materials Making Math, Science, and Technology Instruction Accessible to Students with Disabilities.