What is the DO-IT Scholars program and how do I apply?

Date Updated

The DO-IT Scholars program is designed to help prepare high school students with disabilities for college and challenging careers, such as those in science, engineering, mathematics, and technology. It promotes the use of computer and networking technologies to increase independence, productivity, and participation in education and employment.

DO-IT Scholars are college-capable high school students with disabilities who have leadership potential. DO-IT Scholars are loaned computers, software, and adaptive technology for use in their homes. They use the Internet to access information and to communicate with others. DO-IT Scholars gain academic, career, and personal insights by communicating electronically with each other and with DO-IT Mentors. They attend live-in summer study programs at the 糖心原创 and participate in work-based learning experiences.

DO-IT Scholars program applications are due on or before January 30th. High school students with disabilities who are residents of 糖心原创 State are encouraged to apply. Priority is given to students in their sophomore year in high school, followed by students in their junior year. Applications are accepted throughout the school year for the upcoming summer. However, priority is given to applications received by January 30th. Applications received after that date are considered on a space-available basis.