What is the DO-IT Pals program and application process?

Date Updated

The DO-IT Pals program is an online community for middle and high school students with disabilities who are interested in college and challenging careers. The program includes frequent electronic mail and personal contact with Mentors and other DO-IT Pals. Mentors are college students, faculty, and practicing engineers, scientists, and other professionals, many of whom have disabilities themselves.

DO-IT Pals use the Internet to explore academic and career interests. The World Wide Web is their door to the information and resources they need for success. These students apply their skills and knowledge in projects based on their interests. DO-IT Mentors and staff act as resources and provide assistance.

DO-IT Pals come from all over the world. Most activities take place on the Internet. Students in the program make a commitment to communicate regularly with peers and Mentors via electronic mail.

Student interested in joining the DO-IT Pals community should read more about the program and fill out the DO-IT Pals online application or print the application and return it to DO-IT.

College-capable high school students with disabilities from ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State may also be eligible for the DO-IT Scholars program.