Intern Abilities Profile - Richard L.
Intern Abilities Profile
Intern background / history:
Richard is a junior in college. He is deaf, has low muscle tone, and some neurological problems. He is bright and communicates through a sign language interpreter, written notes, electronic mail, and some lip reading. Richard uses dual hearing aids. He has some difficulites with reading comprehension. Richard loves math and computers.
Assistant in Human Resources Office of a large corporation.
Equipment: (Job equipment, protective clothing, chemicals)
Computer with word processing software.
Environment: (fumes, odors, dust, temperature, noise, group-work)
Monitor team assignments closely.
Physical Challenges
- Lifting.
- Push / pull.
- Balance.
- Stoop / crouch.
Accommodations Needed
- Have Richard practice lifting small objects / loads.
- Share responsibilities with co-workers.
- Provide assistance with tasks involving fine motor skills.
Options and Resources
- Work with employer to evenly distribute job tasks.
Sensory Challenges
- Hearing.
Accommodations Needed
- Speak directly to Richard.
- Provide written material and describe / explain procedures and written content.
- Team with a peer-worker.
- Provide interpreter for staff meetings and interviews.
- Encourage use of e-mail as a means of communication with supervisor and co-workers.
Options and Resources
- Campus DSS can assist with securing interpreter services.
- Student may have an e-mail account through the university.
Cognitive Challenges
- Task complexity.
- Reading level.
- Self-esteem advocacy issues.
Accommodations Needed
- Support self-advocacy efforts.
- Pair with peer.
- Set boundaries and do not assign less work in complexity or volume.
- Check comprehension of reading materials.
- Provide additional assistance with abstract concepts.
- Provide computer dictionary, thesaurus & vocabulary building components.
Options and Resources
- Provide scheduling software to assist with planning and scheduling interpreters.
- Use vocabulary building software.
Physical, Sensory, & Cognitive Issues and Challenges
Physical Issues
Think of the required physical aspects of the task. What will make the environment accessible, keep the student safe and allow them to be an active participant? What lab equipment must be manipulated?
Physical Challenges
- lift / carry
- stamina/ endurance
- push/pull
- Knee/squat
- reach
- repetitive tasks
- fine motor: pinch / grasp
- fine motor: manipulate/ maneuver
- gross motor
- sit in chair
- walk / stand
- balance
- bend / twist
- stoop / crouch
- other
Sensory Issues
Think of room temperature, noise, fumes, dust, odors, allergies. Also consider the ability to speak and/or communicate, and the visual aspects of task or assignments.
Sensory Challenges
- vision
- hearing
- touch
- smell
- taste
- oral communication
- temperature
- fumes
- external stimuli
- lighting
- other
Cognitive Issues
Is the assignment done with a group, partner or individually? What memory & communication skills are needed? What is the level of complexity of the task.
Cognitive Challenges
- short term memory
- long term memory
- task complexity
- reading
- writing
- spelling
- string of numbers (math)
- paying attention
- visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner
- self-esteem / advocacy issues
- behavior issues / acting out
- other