Where can I find Accessibility Demonstration Experiences (ADEs)?
are a set of on-line tutorials that include activities specifically designed to help software and user interface designers understand the needs and expectations of users with disabilities. Developed by the at the University of Saskatchewan, each ADE contains a number of hands-on exercises that help users to appreciate the types of experiences encountered by people with disabilities, and to learn about current solutions to these issues.
The ADEs are categorized by either accessibility issues (alerts designers to potentially inaccessible features) or accessibility options (alerts designers to inaccessible design and provides possible solutions to the eliminate or reduce the issue). A list of the ADE activities in each category follows.
Accessibility Issues
- Before and After Considering Accessibility
- Automatic Accessibility Evaluations
- Cognitive Issues
- Cultural and Linguistic Issues
- Secondary Encoding
Accessibility Options
- Operating System-Based Accessibility Settings and Services
- Replacing Vision: Using a Screen Reader
- Assisting Vision: Using Colour Shifting and Shading
- Replacing Hearing: Using Captioning
- Replacing Touching: Using Voice Recognition
- Assisting Touching: Using Single Switch Input
- Assisting Vision: Using Magnifiers
Project staff actively seek new topics for ADEs. If you have any suggestions please contact them at userlab@cs.usask.ca.