What is the Workforce Recruitment Program?

Date Updated

The  (WRP), which is co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment and the US Department of Defense, is a recruitment and referral program for college students and recent college graduates with disabilities. Through the program, students are matched with summer internships or permanent jobs in the federal government. Since 1995, over seven thousand students or recent graduates have been placed in internships or jobs in a wide variety of fields and locations through the WRP.

To be eligible for the program students must be current full-time undergraduate or graduate students with a disability or have graduated during the past year. Candidates are required to participate in an interview during October or November. Interviews are conducted by WRP recruiters on college campuses. Students who do well in the interviews are included in an online database that employers in the federal government can access starting in December.

Interested students should contact their school's career center or disability services office to inquire about on campus interviews. Information about the WRP program can be found by consulting the .