Are there resources to help me in planning my web accessibility training?

Date Updated

There are many individuals and groups who share responsibility for making web content accessible. Standards organizations such as the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C®) and the federal Access Board have developed web accessibility guidelines and standards. But in order to be effective, these standards must be supported by web browsers, media players, and other user agents, as well as by web authoring software tools and assistive technologies. Accessibility-focused organizations and advocacy groups are working diligently to educate these groups.

The largest group—and consequently the most difficult to reach—is the enormous group of individuals worldwide who develop web content. In U.S. educational entities, web content is sometimes developed by core groups of designers and developers within a central computing office. However, much content in both K-12 and postsecondary education is developed by teachers and faculty, staff members whose primary role is not that of web developer, and, in some cases, students. Educating this diverse group of people is a challenging task.

Several organizations have developed resources and training materials to assist web accessibility advocates and trainers in delivering the accessibility message. For example, AccessIT has developed the . This site was specifically designed as a tool for demonstrating web accessibility principles as they tend to exist in an online educational context. The intended audience for Accessible University is people delivering web accessibility presentations and workshops. The website is accompanied by a that walks presenters step by step through the concepts demonstrated on each page in the site and offers recommendations on how to best present those concepts.

Another useful resource is available from the W3C, the same group who developed the . Their website includes recommendations for determining audience objectives, hypothetical curriculum outlines, and training tips. 

Another organization, Web Accessibility in Mind (WebAIM©), includes a variety of tools and resources on their page.