Applications of Universal Design

DO-IT promotes the application of universal design principles to create a more accessible and usable world. DO-IT is funded by the National Science Foundation to share guidance and resources on applications of universal design, promoting the development of more accessible products and environments. DO-IT's special focus is on universal design in education (UDE), which includes information technology, physical spaces, student services, and instruction.

The following DO-IT publications and videos apply universal design principles to a wide variety of products and environments; Including instruction, websites, distance learning courses, software, multimedia, libraries, computer labs, career centers, advising offices, tutoring and learning centers, and conference exhibits. Many of them provide checklists for implementation of universal design in a specific application area; developed with formative input from the field and tested nationwide; input to further refine these products is welcome from practitioners.


Universal Design in Education (UDE)

Universal Design of Instruction

Universal Design of Physical Spaces and the Technological Environment

Universal Design of Distance Learning

Universal Design as a Topic of Instruction

Universal Design of Libraries

Universal Design of Student Services

Universal Design of Projects, Conference Exhibits, and Presentations

Universal Design Checklists from Other Organizations

The following documents provide checklists for applications of universal design to products and environments with most emphasis on accessible design for people with disabilities.

  • Comprehensive guidelines that focus on access to web content for people with disabilities.

  • Minimum standards for the accessibility of technology purchased, developed, maintained, and used by the U.S. federal government.

  • Checklist developed by AccessIT for making technology in educational settings accessible to all students.Â