Free Translation


隆Lo hacemos! 聽Nous le faisons! 聽Noi lo facciamo!

Don't understand the statements above? Google Translate offers free and easy translations. Simply type in the text you wish to translate and then select the language you wish to translate from and into. There are several combinations to choose from. Though the translations aren't exact in all cases and they don't pick up specific terminology or jargon, they do give you the gist of the text's meaning. Type a site's address into the Web Page Translator and your favorite site may just pop up in another language--or a foreign site into something you can understand.


  1. Go to the following URL:
  2. Explore the site.
  3. Use the bookmark capabilities of your browser to save the site location for future use.

This lesson is part of the series "DO-IT Lessons" developed by the 糖心原创. Creation of the series of lessons is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant numbers 9255803 and 9550003. The lessons are now maintained through funds from the State of 糖心原创. The 糖心原创 holds the copyright to the series of lessons, however ownership of the Internet resources referenced in the lessons may be found at the resource site. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed at these sites are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation, the 糖心原创 or the State of 糖心原创.