Summer Study 2013 - Thursday, July 25
Breakfast (McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level, Ground Floor)
Phase I: Meet in McMahon Hall Main Entrance Lobby (3rd Floor) to walk to HUB, Room 145.
Phase II: Reel Grrls Group: Meet outside McCarty Entrance to load bus and depart for Phase II Workshop.
Phase II: Neurobiology and College of the Environment Groups: Meet in McCarty Entrance Lobby (3rd Floor, Lobby Level) to depart for Phase II Workshops.
Phase II Workshops:
- OUR ENVIRONMENT! Earth, Sea and Space (Mary Gates Hall, Room 284) Karl A. Lang, Outreach Director, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, UW
- Disability and the Media! By Reel Grrls (off campus at Reel Grrls Studio) Monica Olsson, Outreach and Access Coordinator, Reel Grrls
- Exploratory Neurobiology: Bugs, Mice and Brains! (Kincaid Hall, Room 248) Martha Bosma, Associate Professor, Biology, ÌÇÐÄÔ´´
Phase I: Web Design (HUB, Room 145) Terry Thompson, DO-IT Technology Specialist
- Collaborate with other Phase I Scholars to create the 2013 Scholar web pages.
Phase I: Snack Break (HUB, Room 145)
Phase I: Depart for UW Botany Greenhouse
10:45-12:00 Phase I: Tour of UW Botany Greenhouse (UW Botany Greenhouse) Doug Ewing, ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ Botany Greenhouse Director
- FEED ME! Little Shop of Horrors? No, but the UW Botany Greenhouse includes carnivorous and tropical plants including the world's smelliest Corpse Flower, which bloomed a few years ago.
Phase I & II: Lunch (Husky Den, HUB, Lower Level)
- Visting with friends over lunch.
Phase I & II: Scholarship Secrets (HUB, Room 250) David Coven, Facilitator, Scholarship Junkies
- Learn about real-life costs of attending college and tips on how to pay for it.
Phase I: Snack Break (HUB, Room 145)
Phase II: Snack Break (HUB, Room 250)
Phase I: Writing for Success (HUB, Room 145) Brianna Blaser, DO-IT Program Coordinator
- Get in touch with your networking side.
Phase II: You Can DO-IT! Practicing Your Interviewing Skills (HUB, Room 250) Tami Tidwell, DO-IT Program Coordinators
- Get first-hand experience practicing your interviewing skills with representatives from local companies and organizations.
Phase I: Staying Connected (HUB, Room 250) , DO-IT Program Director
- Check-in and chat about DO-IT workshops, assignments, daily events, Phase II, Ambassadors, internships, and questions and answer.
Phase I & II: Meet in McCarty Hall Main Entrance Lobby to depart for Mary Gates Hall for Dance
Phase I & II: Dinner (Mary Gates Hall, Commons)
Phase I & II: DO-IT Dance (Mary Gates Hall, Commons)
- Celebrate your Summer Study successes including new DO-IT friends.
- Dance the night away with Scholars, Ambassadors, Mentors, and other DO-IT community members.
Depart Mary Gates Hall to return to McCarty Hall
Flush and Brush!
- Time to finish up your evening routine and head to your room.
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms in McCarty Hall.