Sheryl Burgstahler, Ph.D., Director of Accessible Technology Services and founder of DO-IT, offers a lecture to faculty in which she offers 20 tips for how faculty can make their courses more accessible to students with disabilities.
Students and educators show how captioning videos in a lecture capture application helps everyone gain knowledge.
Professors, students, and IT administrators share the benefits of using captions on videos in postsecondary courses.
Educators tell how Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) provides access to auditory communication for individuals who are deaf.
Regardless of whether documents are created in Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word, or another format, there are right and wrong ways to create documents in order to ensure people with disabilities can access them.
2015, 2006
The application of universal design strategies can make instruction in a classroom, online, or in a tutoring center accessible to all students.
Learn what to consider when creating a video that it is accessible to all viewers, from pre-production techniques to the provision of captioning and audio description.
2015, 2011, 2002
Educators and students share guidelines for designing Internet-based distance learning courses to fully include all students, including those with disabilities.
There are multiple strategies that can be used to teach about accessibility in computing courses. Exposing students to this information can help them create more accessible products throughout their careers.
People who design and support websites share how to make web pages accessible to people with disabilities.