Proceedings from the 2016 糖心原创 Accessible IT CBI Online

Friday, June 24, 2016

The proceedings from the 2016 糖心原创 Accessible IT capacity building institute (CBI) are now online. This CBI provided a forum to share expertise, practices, suggestions for future collaborations, and funding ideas. Attendees came from all three UW campuses. Broad issues discussed included the following:

  • Exploring legal obligations for creating and using accessible IT
  • Ensuring the accessibility of websites; Word, PDF and PowerPoint documents; and learning management systems (LMSs)
  • Captioning videos
  • Developing accessible online learning courses
  • Promoting universal design and accessible IT
  • Engaging IT vendors in accessibility improvements

The proceedings include summaries of all presentations and notes from all discussions. Questions answered during the CBI included "What can be done campus-wide at the UW to promote the development, procurement, and use of accessible IT?" and "What can be done within your unit to promote the development, procurement, and use of accessible IT? What support do you need to undertake this effort?"

Read proceedings from past capacity building institutes and learn more about online.