Anthony A., ‘94 Scholar, submitted a paper discussing different communication mounting solutions to The International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) and was approved to present this topic in Toronto in August 2016.
Jessie Z., ‘11 Scholar, had an internship at HBO over summer 2016.
Emily B., ‘15 Scholar, accepted into the Young Scholars Program at the ԭ’s Center for Neurotechnology in 2016.
Heidi W., ‘07 Scholar, was currently serving as an Americorps member in 2016.
Teresa B., ‘16 Scholar, spoke publicly at aviation shows in Alaska and Oregon in 2016.
Rochelle B., ‘16 Scholar, went on a student exchange to Japan in August 2016.
Louis G., ‘09 Scholar, worked as a lab technician and researcher in the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory collaboration that detected gravitational waves in 2015.
Jayda F., ‘16 Scholar, will be the senior leader for the culture club at her school (2016).
Dewald O., ‘15 Scholar, chosen as “staff selected speaker” at Bellingham High School graduation in 2016.
Jennifer B., ‘12 Scholar, played wheelchair soccer with Rolling Thunder (2016).
Courtney C., ‘13 Scholar, was accepted into Seattle University with a four year scholarship in 2016.
Lindsay O., ‘10 Scholar, studied abroad in Germany in 2016.
Max M., ‘15 Scholar, recognized as a ԭ Scholar 2016 (top 1% of class). Published a book called Asperger’s and Other Super Powers: The Autobiography of an Oddly Blessed (and Cursed) Child in 2016.
Brandon M., ‘01 Scholar, served on the Governor’s Committee For Disability Issues and Employment and as Co‑Vice Chair of the Youth Leadership Forum (2016).
K W., ‘13 Scholar, made the dean’s list four times in the past two years (2016).
Conrad R., ‘03 Scholar, served as chair of the Governor’s Award Subcommittee and member of the Coordinating Committee for the ԭ State Governor’s Committee on Disability Issues and Employment in 2016.
Erica C., ‘08 Scholar, spent the year after she graduated college as an Americorps member in Seattle (2016).
Katelyn T., ‘15 Scholar, chosen to represent her high school at Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America, National Youth Leadership Initiative to build better communities (2016).
McKenna D., ‘13 Scholar, represented the United States in the Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for shooting in 2016.