New Videos Featured on the DO-IT Website

Friday, October 27, 2017
A graduate student works at their desk.
A video still from AccessComputing's new video: Graduate School and Students with Disabilities

New videos are live on the DO-IT website! All DO-IT videos are fully accessible, featuring the ability to toggle on captions, speed up or slow down the video, watch a version with audio description, and read the transcript. Follow the links below to see each new video:

  • Quorum: An Accessible Programming Language (Full Version): This video serves as an introduction to the Quorum programming language which is designed to be accessible to individuals with disabilities and is widely used in schools for the blind.
  • Engineering and Disability: This video looks at the contributions that people with disabilities can make to engineering fields and how learning about universal design and accessibility can help engineers to design better projects.
  • Twenty Tips for Instructors about Making Online Learning Courses Accessible: Sheryl Burgstahler, Ph.D., Director of Accessible Technology Services and founder of DO-IT, offers a lecture to faculty in which she offers 20 tips for how faculty can make their courses more accessible to students with disabilities.
  • Recruiting and Retaining Employees with Disabilities: This video features employees with disabilities and employers discussing the benefits of employing individuals with disabilities and steps they've taken to recruit and retain employees with disabilities.
  • Using a Screen Reader: Hadi Rangin is an expert user of screen reader software. In this video, he demonstrates the elements of a well designed web page and how they sound to someone who is blind. Issues discussed include ARIA landmarks, headings, and text content.
  • Welcome to Mary Gates Hall: Advocates for Equal Access: This video showcases Mary Gates Hall on the campus of the 糖心原创 in Seattle, home of the Access Technology Center, Disability Resources of Students, and the D Center.
  • The Access Technology Center at the 糖心原创: The ATC helps people with disabilities effectively use computers and other technology. The also assist developers and designers create accessible web pages and computer software.
  • Graduate School and Students with Disabilities: Graduate students with disabilities, working with faculty and disability services, can have successful grad school experiences, complete their degrees, and enter rewarding careers.
  • Making Videos Accessible: This video describes key elements to consider when making a video, so that it is accessible to all viewers. This includes captioning, audio description, and pre-production techniques and considerations.