Summer Study 2017 - Friday, July 28
Phase I & II: Breakfast and Begin Pack-up (Lander Hall, Local Point, Ground level)
- Meet up with a group in the Lander Hall 4th Floor Lobby between 7:00Ìýand 8:00 to go down to breakfast.
At 8:30,ÌýPhase II: MeetÌýoutside in courtyard between Lander and Maple (see map) to to depart for Phase II Workshop.
Phase II: Workshops
- Exploratory Neurobiology: Bugs, Mice and Brains!Ìý(Kincaid Hall,ÌýRoom 248, Health Sciences T366 and Hitchcock, Biology Library 220)ÌýMartha Bosma,ÌýAssociate Professor, Biology, University of ÌÇÐÄÔ´´;ÌýJosh Swore, Lauren Hood, Nikki Hovland, Kelly Duong, Chris Vong,ÌýUndergraduate Students and Graduate Students, Neuroscience, ÌÇÐÄÔ´´, Arisveydi Alvarez,ÌýSummer Intern, Heritage UniversityÌý
Interns: Brookelyn, Emily, Grady
Phase II: Cameron, Jayda, Kyleelynn, Naomi, Ryan, Teresa, Ziyu
- Human Centered Robotics: Teach New Tricks to an Old Robot!Ìý(CSE Lab, Room 014) Maya Cakmak,ÌýAssistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, ÌÇÐÄÔ´´; Justin Huang,ÌýStudent,ÌýComputer Science and Engineering, ÌÇÐÄÔ´´
Interns: Aspen, Hailey, Laszlo
Phase II: Adrian, Jack, Jarrod, Micayla, Rochelle, Serena, Takashi– bring your laptops
Phase I: Pack Up (Lander Hall, 4th Floor)
- Pack-up but leave belongings in room.
At 10:15, Phase I: Meet in Lander Hall, 4th floor lobby to depart for HUB.
Phase I: What comes next? (HUB, Room 145) Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT Director
- Discuss Phase II expectations; share Phase II project ideas.
Phase I & II: Lunch (HUB, Husky Den, Lower Level)
AtÌý1:15, Phase I & Phase II Scholars meet in in HUB, Lyceum Room for Closing Ceremonies
Phase I & II: Closing Ceremonies (HUB, Lyceum Room)
- Welcome! (Sheryl)
- Phase I Website and Classes (Terrill/Tami)
- Phase I Certificates (Sheryl)
- What comes next for Phase I Grads (Debra)
- Phase II Reports (Debra)
- Recognition of Phase II Workshop Organizers and Instructors (Phase II Scholars)
- What comes next for Phase II Grads (Scott)
- Intern Certificates (Scott)
- What comes next for Phase III Grads (Sheryl)
- Statement about Maintaining Gear and AT Questions (Doug)
- Recognition and introduction of individual DO-IT staff (Sheryl)
- Good byes
Phase I & II: Back to Lander Hall to Finish Packing and Dorm Checkout (Lander Hall, 4th Floor)
- Make sure to:
- check your room for left-behind items,
- pick up your binder and laptop from DO-IT Staff in the Lander Lobby, and
- turn in your keys to the Lander Front Desk.
See ya in cyberspace!