Invitation: Computing Educators Can Share Their Work in an Upcoming Issue of JPED

Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Pranav Guest Lecture

Are you teaching a computing course? If so, do you teach about accessible and/or universal design? If you answered “yes" and “yes,” consider writing up a promising practice or research-oriented paper for the Journal of Postsecondary Education (JPED).

I--Sheryl Burgstahler--will be a guest editor in spring 2022, driving the purpose of the issue to promote promising practices and lessons learned in incorporating accessible and/or universal design into curricula. This will encourage future professionals to learn about accessibility challenges for individuals with disabilities and how to design more inclusive IT projects and environments.

Check out information about the journal and . I expect the deadline for submission to be early spring 2022. Feel free to contactus for more information about this special issue of JPED.