Deaf kids Code: A Promising Practice in Introducing Computer Programming

People who are deaf or hard of hearing experience a higher level of unemployment and under employment. In today's world, many products have been created to support interaction between deaf and non-deaf individuals. Work in accessible technology and other computing fields is a lucrative career opportunity, potentially for everyone. Having strong computing skills is essential because of the role of computers in almost every field.

According to their website, promotes, inspires, empowers, and sparks the innovative spirit for students who are deaf and hard of hearing through the world of programming. It also helps pave a path that is encouraging greater social and economic participation of individuals in this group and society becomes the greatest beneficiary of their talents and skills.

Deaf Kids Code’s vision is to bridge economic and social gaps that exist among the deaf and hard of hearing through the cultivation of computing and technology skills. Its leaders believe that incorporating computing topics into education has the potential to give participating students a new level of global participation. Through the universal language of computing, they can become a vital asset in filling the many opportunities awaiting them now and into the future.

Deaf Kids Code is a promising practice because of its efforts to bring computing experiences to individuals underrepresented in computing fields and its overall role as a catalyst for change.

For more information about other programs that support students with disabilities consult Are there organizations that support students with disabilities interested in computer science?