DO-IT Internships

Scott Bellman, DO-IT staff

Internships help students build their network of professional contacts and build a list of job references. They offer opportunities to practice disability disclosure and requesting accommodations. In addition, they help develop self-advocacy skills and strengthen student resumes.

DO-IT participants have completed over eighty challenging internships in the last year! Students have worked in locations such as the Renton Public Library, Tethers Unlimited, InterConnection, Invision Learning, the Deaf-Blind Service Center, DataNumerica, the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission, NASA, the UW Medical Center, Seattle Public Library, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, and several postsecondary institutions across the country.

Several students created new computer programs and completed training in web accessibility. Others worked on mechanical engineering projects, astronomy research, marine biology research, lab management, program management, biology research, and electrical engineering projects.

As a result of internship engagement, DO-IT student interns regularly report that they are more motivated to study and work toward a career, are more knowledgeable about career interests, have improved their ability to work with co-workers and supervisors, have improved job skills, and have learned about accommodations for work.

Students who want to know more about internship opportunities can consult the following DO-IT publications:

They can also contact DO-IT program manager Scott Bellman at