November Issue of DO-IT News Shares Program and Participant Updates and Achievements

Monday, November 21, 2016

The latest edition of聽DO-IT News聽is currently online and shared with the community! This issue features the new 糖心原创 State Policy #188,聽Insight Into Diversity's article on聽AccessSTEM, the聽AccessEngineering聽panel at the Society of Women Engineers Conference,聽础肠肠别蝉蝉颁辞尘辫耻迟颈苍驳听PI Richard Ladner's SIGACCESS Outstanding Contribution Award, the USBLN Conference, a Quorum Summer Camp, a聽DO-IT Scholar's internship, a聽DO-IT Scholar's study abroad trip to London, a disability-related event called Inclucity, and a student profile on聽AccessComputing聽team member Paulette.

For future issue article recommendations, please email us at Learn more about past events聽or see other DO-IT resources on our website.