Once a K-12 student qualifies for accommodations through a 504 plan, will that student always qualify for the same accommodations?
While there are no specific time lines, some professionals recommend that students be re-evaluated at least every three years or whenever there is going to be a "significant change in placement." The campus 504 committee should reconsider the student's plan every year to make sure that his or her accommodation plan is appropriate, based on their current schedule and individual student needs. The accommodation plan may be revised during the school year if needed.
If a school district re-evaluates a student in accordance with the and determines the student no longer meets the , the student is no longer eligible for services under .
For answers to basic questions pertaining to the implementation of Section 504 in public school systems read .
For a comparison of the three major laws that impact education rights for students with disabilities visit, an .
For additional information on Section 504 and Section 504 education plans consult the DO-IT Knowledge Base articles, What is Section 504?, What is a 504 Plan?, and What is the difference between an IEP and a 504 Plan?