
  • Are campuses required to provide tutoring for students with disabilities throughout their college career? [1]
  • Are drivers responsible for assisting students with disabilities by carrying personal items such as books and backpacks or helping them enter a building by opening doors? [2]
  • Are electronic whiteboards accessible to people with disabilities? [3]
  • Are funds available specifically for captioning? [4]
  • Are postsecondary institutions required to purchase adaptive software for a specific course if only one student needs it? [5]
  • Are postsecondary institutions responsible for accessibility at off-campus events? [6]
  • Are some fonts more accessible than others? [7]
  • Are there any court cases on web accessibility and the obligations of postsecondary institutions under Section 504 or ADA? [8]
  • Are there any web-based tutorials on web accessibility? [9]
  • Are there computer keyboards designed to be used with only one hand? [10]
  • Are there guidelines for describing complex images? [11]
  • Are there resources to support students with disabilities interested in studying abroad? [12]
  • Are there standards for developing or purchasing accessible fax machines, photocopiers, and other office equipment? [13]
  • Are there standards or guidelines for providing captions? [14]
  • Are there tools that can be used to check for accessibility issues in a Canvas course? [15]
  • As a library employee, am I required to find research material for a patron who is disabled? [16]
  • Can a person with a hearing impairment use a stethoscope? [17]
  • Can all television sets display closed captions? [18]
  • Can an employer legally ask an applicant about current illnesses? [19]
  • Can captions be generated automatically using speech recognition? [20]
  • Can employers use "at will" employment status to discriminate against employees with disabilities? [21]
  • Can I borrow captioned media for free? [22]
  • Can I keep a turtle in my dorm room as a service animal to accommodate my anxiety disorder? [23]
  • Can impairments that are episodic or in remission be considered disabilities? [24]
  • Can students with autism be successful in college? [25]
  • Can students with intellectual disabilities attend college? [26]
  • Can the information contained in graphs, charts, drawings, and three-dimensional models be made accessible to students with disabilities? [27]
  • Do all postsecondary students with disabilities use disability services? [28]
  • Do campus tutors have to write or type work for students with disabilities? [29]
  • Do postsecondary institutions have to provide assistive technology (for example, screen enlargement or voice recognition software) to students with disabilities who enroll in distance learning courses? [30]
  • Do TTY, TDD, and TT mean the same thing? [31]
  • Does a postsecondary institution have to provide specific hardware or software (known as assistive technology) that an individual with a disability requests so that they can access information technology used on campus? [32]
  • Does the campus need to provide housing that is accessible to students with disabilities? [33]
  • Does the information on public websites, intranets, and distance learning courses at postsecondary institutions have to be accessible to visitors with disabilities? [34]
  • Does the provision of accommodations guarantee student success? [35]
  • Does the website developed by a professor for a particular course at a university or college have to meet accessibility standards? [36]
  • How accessible are Microsoft Word documents? [37]
  • How are the terms "dwarf," "little person," and "person of short stature" commonly used? [38]
  • How are the terms deaf, deafened, hard of hearing, and hearing impaired typically used? [39]
  • How are the terms low vision, visually impaired, and blind defined? [40]
  • How can a financial aid office make services accessible to a student who is blind or has low vision? [41]
  • How can a student with low vision read regular-print books in the library? [42]
  • How can educational entities plan an accessible video production? [43]
  • How can I accommodate students with low vision? [44]
  • How can I better understand what it鈥檚 like to have a learning disability? [45]
  • How can I communicate with colleagues regarding making our library accessible to patrons with disabilities? [46]
  • How can I create a club for students with disabilities on my campus? [47]
  • How can I create a conference poster that is accessible to people with disabilities? [48]
  • How can I get started in making my distance learning course accessible to all students? [49]
  • How can I help a two-year college student transition to a four-year school? [50]
  • How can I include people with disabilities in the broader impacts statement of my NSF grant proposal? [51]
  • How can I make my computing department more accessible to students with disabilities? [52]
  • How can I participate in Disability Employment Awareness Month? [53]
  • How can I test my website for accessibility? [54]
  • How can instructors make courses more accessible to students who are deaf or hard of hearing? [55]
  • How can interns and employees with disabilities serve to enrich a company? [56]
  • How can library databases be made more accessible? [57]
  • How can makerspaces be made more accessible to users with disabilities? [58]
  • How can my educational entity deliver accessible webcasts? [59]
  • How can nontechnical administrators ensure that the websites their employees create and maintain are accessible to people with disabilities? [60]
  • How can our career services office work with employers to ensure program access to students with disabilities? [61]
  • How can parents, family members, and mentors help young people with disabilities prepare for careers? [62]
  • How can people who are blind access video and multimedia products? [63]
  • How can people who are blind operate computers? [64]
  • How can people who are deaf access video and multimedia products? [65]
  • How can people who have low vision operate a computer? [66]
  • How can people with mobility impairments operate computers? [67]
  • How can postsecondary technology-enhanced learning environments be made accessible? [68]
  • How can principles of universal design be used to construct a computer lab? [69]
  • How can printed resources in libraries be made accessible? [70]
  • How can publishers create accessible math textbooks? [71]
  • How can student services offices make campus events accessible to participants with disabilities? [72]
  • How can students with disabilities arrange for accommodations at a postsecondary institution? [73]
  • How can students with disabilities arrange for accommodations in an online course? [74]
  • How can students with disabilities choose a career? [75]
  • How can students with disabilities gain work experience while in high school or college? [76]
  • How can students with disabilities get accommodations for taking the PSAT, SAT, ACT, and Advanced Placement exams? [77]
  • How can students with disabilities get accommodations for the General Educational Development (GED) Test? [78]
  • How can students with disabilities get accommodations for the GRE, MCAT, LSAT, and other standardized graduate or professional entrance exams? [79]
  • How can students with learning disabilities benefit from computer use? [80]
  • How can switches be used by people who cannot operate a standard keyboard or mouse? [81]
  • How can the engagement of students with disabilities in postsecondary career centers be increased? [82]
  • How can universal design be applied in educational settings? [83]
  • How can universal design be applied in postsecondary education? [84]
  • How can we create more accessible campus tours? [85]
  • How can you include individuals with disabilities in broadening participation activities for other underrepresented groups? [86]
  • How can you make your presentation accessible? [87]
  • How did the GARDE program support class projects that designed technology for people with disabilities? [88]
  • How do financial aid staff assist students with visual impairments in filling out forms? [89]
  • How do I create online math content that is accessible to students who are blind? [90]
  • How do I make my online PowerPoint presentation accessible? [91]
  • How do I respond to a library patron who asks for Braille copies of reference materials? [92]
  • How do I turn on captions and audio description in my media player? [93]
  • How do neurodiverse and neurotypical software engineers differ in the workplace? [94]
  • How do we make electronic resources accessible in our school library? [95]
  • How does a student who is blind learn to navigate around campus? [96]
  • How does accessible web design benefit all web users? [97]
  • How does Section 508 relate to the Telecommunications Act? [98]
  • How does unintended or unconscious bias affect students with disabilities? [99]
  • If a postsecondary student's accommodations include extra exam time must I allow the student to take the exam outside of the classroom? [100]
  • If a student with a disability qualifies for accommodations in high school, will they receive the same accommodations in college? [101]
  • If I receive a letter informing me a college student in my class has a disability, should I initiate a conversation with the student about their disability? [102]
  • If, because of his or her disability, a student needs to exceed the allotted time set by the school to complete a degree, is the impact of the student's disability a consideration for an extension of financial aid? [103]
  • In a postsecondary setting, who is responsible for providing Braille translation? [104]
  • Is allowing the use of service animals and therapy pets in campus housing considered a reasonable accommodation? [105]
  • Is Google Apps Accessible? [106]
  • Is instructional software typically accessible to students with disabilities? [107]
  • Is it appropriate for me to ask a postsecondary student what type of disability he has? [108]
  • Is it legal to copy material that is copyrighted in order to make the print accessible to low-vision or blind patrons? [109]
  • Is my school legally required to make our web pages accessible? [110]
  • Is PDF accessible? [111]
  • Is the information regarding a student's disability and her need for academic accommodations confidential? [112]
  • Is there a difference between service and therapy animals? [113]
  • Is there a way to add captions to a video that is already published? [114]
  • Must a service animal be certified? [115]
  • Must contracted transportation services at a postsecondary institution be accessible to people with disabilities? [116]
  • Must postsecondary institutions provide accommodations for prospective student visitors or their family members? [117]
  • Must student clubs and organizations provide accommodations to allow students with disabilities to participate? [118]
  • Opportunities! [119]
  • Should admissions office staff refer all students with disabilities to the disabled student services office? [120]
  • What access challenges might visitors to a web page experience? [121]
  • What accessibility features are available within the Macintosh operating system? [122]
  • What accessibility features are provided with the Windows operating system? [123]
  • What accessibility issues should I address when planning student events? [124]
  • What adaptive technology is typically provided to students with disabilities on postsecondary campuses? [125]
  • What advice can be given to teens as they prepare for careers? [126]
  • What advice can I give to a college student with a disability to promote their success? [127]
  • What alternative pointing systems are available for someone who cannot use a mouse? [128]
  • What are "mitigating measures" with respect to a disability? [129]
  • What are best practices for recruiting and retaining employees with disabilities? [130]
  • What are different models of disability? [131]
  • What are examples of accommodations for students with low vision in science labs? [132]
  • What are examples of psychiatric diagnoses? [133]
  • What are examples of science lab accommodations for students who are blind? [134]
  • What are examples of science lab accommodations for students who have health impairments? [135]
  • What are examples of science lab accommodations for students with mobility impairments? [136]
  • What are issues related to the accessibility of a library facility? [137]
  • What are key issues for increasing the successful participation of individuals with disabilities in STEM fields? [138]
  • What are key issues regarding IT accessibility in higher education? [139]
  • What are language preferences regarding autism? [140]
  • What are my institution's responsibilities regarding the care of students' service animals? [141]
  • What are relay services, and how do I access them? [142]
  • What are some considerations regarding library staff who may work with visitors with disabilities? [143]
  • What are some guidelines for creating attractive and functional open or closed captions? [144]
  • What are some hints for communicating with individuals who have disabilities? [145]
  • What are some low-tech assistive technologies that aid computer access? [146]
  • What are some of the barriers students with disabilities face in distance learning courses? [147]
  • What are some of the functional limitations related to mental illness? [148]
  • What are some specific study skills that benefit students with learning disabilities? [149]
  • What are some steps that distance learning program administrators can take to ensure the accessibility of their courses? [150]
  • What are some techniques for creating Braille math materials? [151]
  • What are specific computer applications that can assist students with learning disabilities? [152]
  • What are specific types of learning disabilities? [153]
  • What are speech-to-text services? [154]
  • What are steps to a computing career? [155]
  • What are Telecommunications Relay Services? [156]
  • What are the benefits of universal design of a distance learning course for students without disabilities? [157]
  • What are the legal issues related to making career services offices and employment opportunities accessible to students with disabilities? [158]
  • What are the main features of an accessible computer lab? [159]
  • What are the options for someone who cannot operate a standard keyboard? [160]
  • What are the steps to take in making a school computer lab accessible? [161]
  • What are tips for maximizing the value of a virtual career fair experience? [162]
  • What are tips for planning disability awareness events? [163]
  • What are typical accommodations for students who are deaf or hard of hearing? [164]
  • What are typical accommodations for students with blindness? [165]
  • What are typical accommodations for students with health impairments? [166]
  • What are typical accommodations for students with learning disabilities? [167]
  • What are typical accommodations for students with low vision? [168]
  • What are typical accommodations for students with mobility impairments? [169]
  • What barriers exist in recruiting employees and interns with disabilities? [170]
  • What can campus leaders do to ensure IT is accessible? [171]
  • What can companies do to raise awareness of the need for employees that understand accessibility? [172]
  • What can companies do to support employees with disabilities? [173]
  • What can conferences do to be more accessible to participants with disabilities? [174]
  • What can disabled student services offices do to help students with disabilities successfully transition from two- to four-year colleges? [175]
  • What can students do to improve their chances of finding employment after college? [176]
  • What challenges do individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing have in operating computers? [177]
  • What challenges do individuals with speech impairments face in operating computers? [178]
  • What challenges do people with disabilities face in accessing standard consumer products? [179]
  • What challenges do students with disabilities face as they transition from two-year to four-year colleges? [180]
  • What civil rights challenges might our postsecondary institution have if our websites are not accessible? [181]
  • What considerations should be made in order to develop accessible web-based distance learning courses? [182]
  • What considerations should be made to ensure that electronic and information resources in a library are accessible? [183]
  • What constitutes good alt text? [184]
  • What do distance learning professionals need to know about accessibility? [185]
  • What does Section 255 of the Telecommunications Act require? [186]
  • What does word prediction software do? [187]
  • What efforts exist to track the participation of students with disabilities in K-12 computer science education? [188]
  • What Federal civil rights laws cover the obligations of postsecondary institutions to develop and maintain accessible websites? [189]
  • What federal laws in the U.S. protect the rights of people with disabilities? [190]
  • What is "intersectionality" in the context of working with students who have disabilities? [191]
  • What is a "qualified student with a disability"? [192]
  • What is a "qualified" individual with a disability? [193]
  • What is a mental illness? [194]
  • What is a mobility impairment? [195]
  • What is a physical or mental impairment? [196]
  • What is a reading system? [197]
  • What is a refreshable Braille display? [198]
  • What is a speech impairment? [199]
  • What is a traumatic brain injury? [200]
  • What is a virtual keyboard? [201]
  • What is a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template? [202]
  • What is ableism? [203]
  • What is audio description? [204]
  • What is Autism? [205]
  • What is braille translation software? [206]
  • What is computer-based speech recognition? [207]
  • What is considered high quality disability documentation? [208]
  • What is DAISY? [209]
  • What is Disability:IN and what do they do? [210]
  • What is DotsPlus Braille? [211]
  • What is Entry Point? [212]
  • What is InftyReader? [213]
  • What is MathSpeak? [214]
  • What is networking and how do students with disabilities use it for career preparation? [215]
  • What is NIMAS? [216]
  • What is real-time captioning? [217]
  • What is Section 504? [218]
  • What is sign language? [219]
  • What is the Access Board? [220]
  • What is the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008? [221]
  • What is the Americans with Disabilities Act? [222]
  • What is the difference between accessible, usable, and universal design? [223]
  • What is the difference between open and closed captioning? [224]
  • What is the Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation and how do they support individuals with disabilities? [225]
  • What is the National Center on Accessible Educational Materials? [226]
  • What is the National Instructional Materials Access Center (NIMAC)? [227]
  • What is the Rehabilitation Act of 1973? [228]
  • What is the United States Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and what do they do? [229]
  • What is the Workforce Recruitment Program? [230]
  • What is universal design? [231]
  • What is Veterans' Preference for federal jobs? [232]
  • What is video remote interpreting? [233]
  • What issues should a student with AD/HD consider when planning for the transition from high school to college or a career? [234]
  • What job preparation supports might benefit young people with mental health issues? [235]
  • What language should I use to talk about people with disabilities? [236]
  • What laws worldwide relate to digital accessibility? [237]
  • What legal issues are associated with access to video products for students with sensory impairments? [238]
  • What math, science, and technology skills are important for career success? [239]
  • What practices are covered by employment non-discrimination requirements? [240]
  • What proportion of postsecondary students have disabilities? [241]
  • What readjustment services are available for veterans? [242]
  • What resources can help faculty make their courses more accessible to students with disabilities? [243]
  • What resources can help students with disabilities find and apply for jobs? [244]
  • What resources can help students with disabilities locate internships and other work-based experiences? [245]
  • What should I consider when deciding what kind of adaptive technology to use? [246]
  • What should I do when a student informs me of a disability and requests an accommodation for a distance learning course? [247]
  • What specific challenges make it difficult for people with mobility impairments to operate computers? [248]
  • What standards exist for developing and purchasing accessible software? [249]
  • What standards exist for developing and purchasing accessible telecommunications products? [250]
  • What standards exist for developing and purchasing accessible video and multimedia products? [251]
  • What standards exist for procuring accessible desktop and portable computers? [252]
  • What steps do teens with disabilities take to STEM careers? [253]
  • What strategies are companies using to recruit employees with autism spectrum disorder? [254]
  • What strategies can disability and information technology (IT) professionals implement to encourage accessibility of webpages, videos, and documents on their campuses? [255]
  • What strategies used to recruit other underrepresented groups could be repurposed for use in recruiting students with disabilities to your program, institution, or department? [256]
  • What types of accommodations might college students with disabilities need during the registration process? [257]
  • What U.S. federal legislation protects the rights of students with disabilities? [258]
  • When and how should a student with a disability disclose his or her disability to a potential employer? [259]
  • When is the best time to disclose a disability to a prospective employer? [260]
  • When requested, why is it important that I provide a reading list to the disability services office prior to the start of a term? [261]
  • When should assistive listening devices be installed in a facility? [262]
  • Where can I find a glossary of disability-related terms? [263]
  • Where can I find a guide to Section 508 resource documents? [264]
  • Where can I find a list of publisher contacts to request electronic text formats? [265]
  • Where can I find information about the experiences of students with intellectual disabilities in college? [266]
  • Where can I find interns and employees with disabilities? [267]
  • Where can I find resources about individuals with disabilities in specific career fields? [268]
  • Where can I find resources about legal, social, and political issues related to disability? [269]
  • Where can I find resources for making distance learning courses accessible? [270]
  • Where can I find resources for nursing students and professional nurses with disabilities? [271]
  • Where can I find resources related to brain injuries? [272]
  • Where can I find resources related to health impairments? [273]
  • Where can I find resources related to hearing impairments? [274]
  • Where can I find resources related to learning disabilities and Attention-Deficit Disorder? [275]
  • Where can I find resources related to mobility impairments? [276]
  • Where can I find resources related to visual impairments? [277]
  • Where can I find vendors who provide captioning services? [278]
  • Where can I learn about challenges and opportunities for veterans with disabilities in postsecondary education? [279]
  • Where can I learn about experiences of individuals with disabilities in their own words? [280]
  • Where can I learn more about speech-to-text services typically offered at postsecondary institutions? [281]
  • Which library databases are accessible? [282]
  • Which postsecondary institutions have IT accessibility policies? [283]
  • Which set of web accessibility standards or guidelines should I comply with? [284]
  • Which states have technology accessibility laws, policies, and standards? [285]
  • Who benefits from captions on videos? [286]
  • Who is a "person with a disability?" [287]
  • Who is responsible for providing a postsecondary institution with documentation of a student's disability? [288]
  • Who is responsible for providing accessible transportation to a postsecondary student's internship or co-op? [289]
  • Who is responsible for providing accommodations for student interns? [290]
  • Who is the Foundation for Science and Disability? [291]
  • Who offers training on assistive technology and the design of accessible technology? [292]
  • Who should pay for accommodations that allow students with disabilities to participate in student clubs and organizations? [293]
  • Who studies the accessibility of transportation? [294]
  • Whom do I work with on campus to secure accessible venues for meetings and events? [295]
  • Whom should I contact in my state if I have a question about assistive technology? [296]
  • Why should students with disabilities participate in work-based learning? [297]