A college student needs a computer accommodation to take her exam. How can I ensure the test is properly supervised?
A student in my college course needs computer accommodations for test taking. Doesn't this give her an unfair advantage over other students?
Are Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles curricula accessible to students with disabilities?
Are campuses required to provide tutoring for students with disabilities throughout their college career?
Are drivers responsible for assisting students with disabilities by carrying personal items such as books and backpacks or helping them enter a building by opening doors?
Are electronic whiteboards accessible to people with disabilities?
Are frames accessible?
Are funds available specifically for captioning?
Are Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) accessible?
Are postsecondary institutions required to purchase adaptive software for a specific course if only one student needs it?
Are postsecondary institutions required to transport a student with a mobility impairment to a remote field site?
Are postsecondary institutions responsible for accessibility at off-campus events?
Are some fonts more accessible than others?
Are text-only websites an accessible alternative?
Are there accessibility guidelines for web browsers?
Are there any web-based tutorials on web accessibility?
Are there commercial products designed to make math accessible to students with disabilities?
Are there computer keyboards designed to be used with only one hand?
Are there documents offered online in Spanish that discuss disabilities and education?
Are there e-mentoring programs to support students with disabilities interested in careers in design fields?
Are there electronic mentoring programs for students with disabilities?
Are there fume hoods that are accessible to people with mobility impairments?
Are there guidelines for creating accessible math?
Are there guidelines for describing complex images?
Are there Hour of Code activities that are accessible to students with visual impairments?
Are there resources to help individuals who are blind build hardware devices?
Are there resources to help me in planning my web accessibility training?
Are there scientific and graphing calculators that can be used by students who are blind?
Are there screen readers that can read math equations?
Are there standards or guidelines for providing audio description?
Are there standards or guidelines for providing captions?
Are there tools that can be used to check for accessibility issues in a Canvas course?
Are there voice recognition programs students can use to do math?
Are there web browsers that have been developed specifically for use by people with disabilities?
Are touch screens accessible?
As a faculty member, can I use grant funds to pay for job accommodations for a graduate student?
Can a faculty member forbid a student with a disability to use a tape recorder in class?
Can a person with a hearing impairment use a stethoscope?
Can all television sets display closed captions?
Can an employer legally ask an applicant about current illnesses?
Can astronomy classes be made accessible to students who are visually impaired?
Can captions be generated automatically using speech recognition?
Can chemistry be taught to students with disabilities?
Can I borrow captioned media for free?
Can I make accessible web pages using a web authoring tool such as Dreamweaver?
Can impairments that are episodic or in remission be considered disabilities?
Can information technology function as assistive technology?
Can people who have visual impairments work in a machine shop?
Can students with autism be successful in college?
Can students with intellectual disabilities attend college?
Can the information contained in graphs, charts, drawings, and three-dimensional models be made accessible to students with disabilities?
Do all postsecondary students with disabilities use disability services?
Do campus tutors have to write or type work for students with disabilities?
Do I need to change my exam procedures to accommodate a student with a disability?
Do postsecondary institutions have to provide assistive technology (for example, screen enlargement or voice recognition software) to students with disabilities who enroll in distance learning courses?
Do TTY, TDD, and TT mean the same thing?
Does a postsecondary institution have to provide specific hardware or software (known as assistive technology) that an individual with a disability requests so that they can access information technology used on campus?
Does a student who is blind need accommodations to benefit from class discussions?
Does making our school web content accessible mean I cannot use multimedia on my site?
Does the provision of accommodations guarantee student success?
Does the website developed by a professor for a particular course at a university or college have to meet accessibility standards?
How accessible are Microsoft Word documents?
How are instructors informed that a student needs an academic accommodation?
How are the terms "dwarf," "little person," and "person of short stature" commonly used?
How are the terms deaf, deafened, hard of hearing, and hearing impaired typically used?
How are the terms low vision, visually impaired, and blind defined?
How can a biomedical lab be made accessible to people with disabilities?
How can a student who is blind navigate in an unfamiliar area to do fieldwork?
How can a student with a disability develop college survival skills?
How can a student with a health impairment maintain participation in classroom discussions when she is frequently absent?
How can computing courses be made more accessible to students with specific learning disabilities?
How can data tables be made accessible?
How can digital content help students with learning disabilities that affect their ability to process math?
How can educational entities plan an accessible video production?
How can engineering departments be welcoming and accessible to students with disabilities?
How can engineering labs and machine shops be made more accessible to students with disabilities?
How can I accommodate students with low vision?
How can I adapt specific science activities in a general curriculum for students with disabilities?
How can I better understand what it鈥檚 like to have a learning disability?
How can I create a club for students with disabilities on my campus?
How can I create a conference poster that is accessible to people with disabilities?
How can I create math and science documents that are accessible to students with visual impairments?
How can I design a school computer lab to be accessible to all students?
How can I develop accessible web-based forms?
How can I easily open my most often used programs in Windows?
How can I ensure that a student who is deaf can access the content in my podcasts?
How can I get involved with undergraduate research?
How can I get started in making my distance learning course accessible to all students?
How can I help a student record and analyze data in a science lab?
How can I help a student who is blind or has low vision make measurements in a science lab?
How can I help a two-year college student transition to a four-year school?
How can I help students who need accommodations but refuse to use them?
How can I include people with disabilities in the broader impacts statement of my NSF grant proposal?
How can I integrate disability-related topics into the classes that I teach?
How can I make a design studio class more accessible to students with disabilities?
How can I make my chemistry labs accessible to students with disabilities?
How can I make my computing department more accessible to students with disabilities?
How can I participate in Disability Employment Awareness Month?
How can I tell whether a software application is accessible?
How can I test my website for accessibility?
How can I work with a student who is deaf and speaks ASL but struggles with written English?
How can informal STEM learning programs support individuals with mobility impairments?
How can informal STEM learning programs support individuals with vision impairments?
How can instructors make courses more accessible to students who are deaf or hard of hearing?
How can interns and employees with disabilities serve to enrich a company?
How can K-12 computing courses be made accessible to students with disabilities?
How can K-12 computing instructors get support working with students with disabilities?
How can K-12 educators promote the use of accessible technology in schools?
How can makerspaces be made more accessible to users with disabilities?
How can math assessments be made accessible?
How can my educational entity deliver accessible webcasts?
How can nontechnical administrators ensure that the websites their employees create and maintain are accessible to people with disabilities?
How can parents promote the use of accessible technology in schools?
How can parents, family members, and mentors help young people with disabilities prepare for careers?
How can people who are blind access video and multimedia products?
How can people who are blind operate computers?
How can people who are deaf access video and multimedia products?
How can people who have low vision operate a computer?
How can people with mobility impairments operate computers?
How can postsecondary institutions determine whether a student is "otherwise qualified" for science, technology, engineering, and/or mathematics curricula?
How can principles of universal design be applied to technology-based math content?
How can principles of universal design be used to construct a computer lab?
How can programming be made more accessible to people with disabilities?
How can publishers create accessible math textbooks?
How can service animals be safely included in lab classes?
How can students with disabilities arrange for accommodations at a postsecondary institution?
How can students with disabilities arrange for accommodations in an online course?
How can students with disabilities choose a career?
How can students with disabilities gain work experience while in high school or college?
How can students with disabilities get accommodations for taking the PSAT, SAT, ACT, and Advanced Placement exams?
How can students with disabilities get accommodations for the General Educational Development (GED) Test?
How can students with disabilities get accommodations for the GRE, MCAT, LSAT, and other standardized graduate or professional entrance exams?
How can students with disabilities learn more about careers in computing fields?
How can students with learning disabilities benefit from computer use?
How can switches be used by people who cannot operate a standard keyboard or mouse?
How can technology help students with disabilities in their social development?
How can universal design be applied in educational settings?
How can universal design be applied in postsecondary education?
How can universal design be applied to instruction?
How can universal design, disability, and accessibility topics be integrated into the engineering curriculum?
How can vocational rehabilitation services help students with disabilities with their career goals?
How can web design teachers learn to incorporate web accessibility in their courses?
How can web pages be made accessible to individuals who have cognitive disabilities?
How can you include individuals with disabilities in broadening participation activities for other underrepresented groups?
How can you integrate accessibility into your syllabus?
How can you introduce accessibility topics in engineering courses?
How can you make your presentation accessible?
How can you prepare engineering students to work with people with disabilities?
How did the GARDE program support class projects that designed technology for people with disabilities?
How do cascading style sheets affect web accessibility?
How do I accommodate a student in fieldwork?
How do I best communicate text and graphics I write on the board or present in PowerPoint during lectures to a student who is blind?
How do I create online math content that is accessible to students who are blind?
How do I develop accessible educational software?
How do I include deaf students in informal learning conversations?
How do I make my online PowerPoint presentation accessible?
How do I make sure that an alternate form of an exam is equivalent to the standard form?
How do I make websites accessible?
How do I navigate around Microsoft Windows using only a keyboard?
How do I turn on captions and audio description in my media player?
How do IT companies express their commitment to accessibility?
How do learning management systems differ on accessibility?
How do scripting languages affect accessibility?
How do we include accessible technology-rich activities in our summer camp?
How does a student who is blind learn to navigate around campus?
How does accessibility differ across operating systems?
How does accessible web design benefit all web users?
How does my choice and use of color affect the accessibility of my website?
How does Section 508 relate to the Telecommunications Act?
How does unintended or unconscious bias affect students with disabilities?
How many schools provide assistive or adaptive technology for students with disabilities?
How might information technologies present barriers to students and employees with disabilities?
How might teaching about universal design help to diversify the engineering student body?
How much time do students with disabilities spend in "regular" classrooms?
If a postsecondary student's accommodations include extra exam time must I allow the student to take the exam outside of the classroom?
If a student experiences extreme anxiety, how can I be supportive without lowering academic expectations?
If a student with a disability qualifies for accommodations in high school, will they receive the same accommodations in college?
If I receive a letter informing me a college student in my class has a disability, should I initiate a conversation with the student about their disability?
If, because of his or her disability, a student needs to exceed the allotted time set by the school to complete a degree, is the impact of the student's disability a consideration for an extension of financial aid?
In a postsecondary setting, who is responsible for providing Braille translation?
In what format will a student who is blind turn in assignments and tests?
In what ways does the Americans with Disabilities Act protect job applicants?
Is Flash content accessible?
Is Google Apps Accessible?
Is instructional software typically accessible to students with disabilities?
Is it appropriate for me to ask a postsecondary student what type of disability he has?
Is it better to caption or transcribe educational multimedia?
Is it legal to copy material that is copyrighted in order to make the print accessible to low-vision or blind patrons?
Is it possible to develop an accessible dynamic menu?
Is Java accessible?
Is Linux accessible?
Is my school legally required to make our web pages accessible?
Is PDF accessible?
Is the information regarding a student's disability and her need for academic accommodations confidential?
Is there a difference between service and therapy animals?
Is there a federal program to help companies hire injured veterans?
Is there a Regiment for wounded marines?
Is there a way to add captions to a video that is already published?
Is there equipment that can make science more accessible to individuals with disabilities?
May I fail a student with a disability?
Must a service animal be certified?
Must local emergency broadcasts be made accessible?
Must student clubs and organizations provide accommodations to allow students with disabilities to participate?
Once a K-12 student qualifies for accommodations through a 504 plan, will that student always qualify for the same accommodations?
Should I modify assignments or grades for students with disabilities?
What access challenges might visitors to a web page experience?
What accessibility features are available within the Macintosh operating system?
What accessibility features are provided with the Windows operating system?
What accommodation might be provided to students with chemical sensitivities in science labs?
What adaptive technology is typically provided to students with disabilities on postsecondary campuses?
What advice can be given to a high school student with a disability preparing for college?
What advice can be given to teens as they prepare for careers?
What advice can I give to a college student with a disability to promote their success?
What affects the self-efficacy of postsecondary students with disabilities in STEM fields?
What alternative pointing systems are available for someone who cannot use a mouse?
What are "mitigating measures" with respect to a disability?
What are best practices for recruiting and retaining employees with disabilities?
What are challenges to increasing the participation of students with disabilities in computing?
What are cochlear implants, how do they work, and who typically gets them?
What are different models of disability?
What are examples of accessible information and communication technology in education?
What are examples of accommodations for students with low vision in science labs?
What are examples of accommodations in science laboratories?
What are examples of psychiatric diagnoses?
What are examples of science lab accommodations for students who are blind?
What are examples of science lab accommodations for students who are deaf or hard of hearing?
What are examples of science lab accommodations for students who have health impairments?
What are examples of science lab accommodations for students with disabilities that impact learning and/or attention?
What are examples of science lab accommodations for students with mobility impairments?
What are issues related to the design of accessible software?
What are key issues for increasing the successful participation of individuals with disabilities in STEM fields?
What are legal issues associated with the design of accessible software?
What are reasonable accommodations for students with mobility impairments when fieldwork sites are not physically accessible?
What are relay services, and how do I access them?
What are some assignments that could be used in lieu of tests to help students with disabilities demonstrate mastery of content?
What are some examples of accessible programming languages?
What are some examples of courses for which educational programs might assign course substitutes?
What are some examples of engineering courses that teach about disability, accessibility, or universal design?
What are some examples of online simulations for science labs?
What are some guidelines for creating attractive and functional open or closed captions?
What are some guidelines for creating overhead visuals that are easier for students to see?
What are some hints for communicating with individuals who have disabilities?
What are some low-tech assistive technologies that aid computer access?
What are some of the barriers students with disabilities face in distance learning courses?
What are some of the challenges students with Dyslexia face in using technology?
What are some of the functional limitations related to mental illness?
What are some specific study skills that benefit students with learning disabilities?
What are some steps that distance learning program administrators can take to ensure the accessibility of their courses?
What are some techniques for creating Braille math materials?
What are some ways to provide note-taking accommodations for a student with a disability?
What are specific computer applications that can assist students with learning disabilities?
What are specific types of learning disabilities?
What are speech-to-text services?
What are steps to a computing career?
What are strategies for recruiting students with disabilities to STEM fields?
What are strategies for teaching a student with a math-related learning disability?
What are tactile graphics?
What are Telecommunications Relay Services?
What are the benefits of universal design of a distance learning course for students without disabilities?
What are the main features of an accessible computer lab?
What are the options for someone who cannot operate a standard keyboard?
What are the steps to take in making a school computer lab accessible?
What are tips for creating accessible social media posts?
What are tips for K-12 professionals writing IEPs/IFSPs for students who are deaf or hard of hearing?
What are tips for making online mentoring successful?
What are tips for maximizing the value of a virtual career fair experience?
What are typical accommodations for students who are deaf or hard of hearing?
What are typical accommodations for students with AD/HD?
What are typical accommodations for students with blindness?
What are typical accommodations for students with health impairments?
What are typical accommodations for students with learning disabilities?
What are typical accommodations for students with low vision?
What are typical accommodations for students with mobility impairments?
What are typical challenges and accommodations for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder?
What are typical challenges students with math-related learning disabilities face?
What aspects of the Exploring Computer Science (ECS) or Computer Science Principles (CSP) curriculum might present accessibility challenges to students with disabilities?
What barriers exist in recruiting employees and interns with disabilities?
What benefits do mentors get from a mentoring relationship?
What can companies do to support employees with disabilities?
What can conferences do to be more accessible to participants with disabilities?
What can professional organizations do to increase the participation of individuals with disabilities in their field?
What can students do to improve their chances of finding employment after college?
What challenges do individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing have in operating computers?
What challenges do individuals with speech impairments face in operating computers?
What challenges do people with disabilities face in accessing standard consumer products?
What challenges do students with disabilities face as they transition from two-year to four-year colleges?
What considerations should be made in order to develop accessible web-based distance learning courses?
What considerations should be made to ensure that electronic and information resources in a library are accessible?
What constitutes good alt text?
What do distance learning professionals need to know about accessibility?
What does Section 255 of the Telecommunications Act require?
What does word prediction software do?
What efforts exist to track the participation of students with disabilities in K-12 computer science education?
What factors affect a student's self-efficacy?
What federal laws in the U.S. protect the rights of people with disabilities?
What grants are available for making science, technology, engineering, and math accessible to students with disabilities?
What if a student with a disability disrupts my college class?
What if I do not agree with a recommended accommodation?
What insights do students with disabilities provide regarding self-determination?
What is a "qualified student with a disability"?
What is a "qualified" individual with a disability?
What is a 504 Plan?
What is a mental illness?
What is a mobility impairment?
What is a physical or mental impairment?
What is a reading system?
What is a refreshable Braille display?
What is a speech impairment?
What is a traumatic brain injury?
What is a virtual keyboard?
What is accessible electronic and information technology?
What is AccessSTEM CAREERS?
What is AD/HD and how is it diagnosed?
What is an Individualized Education Plan?
What is Asperger's Disorder?
What is assistive technology?
What is audio description?
What is Autism?
What is braille translation software?
What is ClassAct?
What is computer-based speech recognition?
What is Cyberlearning?
What is DotsPlus Braille?
What is Entry Point?
What is Hire Heroes USA?
What is InftyReader?
What is MathML?
What is MathSpeak?
What is MSAA?
What is Nemeth Code?
What is NIMAS?
What is real-time captioning?
What is Rehabilitation Counseling?
What is rich media and how can I learn more about its accessibility?
What is Section 504?
What is sensorimotor neural engineering and how does the field benefit people with disabilities?
What is sign language?
What is the Access Board?
What is the AccessComputing Team and how can I join?
What is the AccessSTEM Team and how do I apply?
What is the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008?
What is the Americans with Disabilities Act?
What is the benefit of e-mentoring to students with disabilities?
What is the Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education?
What is the DAISY Modular Math Extension?
What is the difference between accessible, usable, and universal design?
What is the difference between accommodation and modification for a student with a disability?
What is the difference between an IEP and a 504 Plan?
What is the difference between open and closed captioning?
What is the difference between the W3C guidelines and the Section 508 standards for web accessibility?
What is the DO-IT Pals program and application process?
What is the DO-IT Scholars program and how do I apply?
What is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act?
What is the International Association for Geoscience Diversity?
What is the Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation and how do they support individuals with disabilities?
What is the National Center on Accessible Educational Materials?
What is the National Council on Disability (NCD), and how are they involved in accessible electronic and information technology?
What is the National Instructional Materials Access Center (NIMAC)?
What is the National Youth Leadership Network?
What is the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP)?
What is the Quorum programming language?
What is the Rehabilitation Act of 1973?
What is the role of a mentor?
What is the United States Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and what do they do?
What is the Workforce Recruitment Program?
What is the World Institute on Disability (WID)?
What is universal design?
What is video remote interpreting?
What is Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)?
What is XML and how does it relate to accessibility?
What issues should a student with AD/HD consider when planning for the transition from high school to college or a career?
What job preparation supports might benefit young people with mental health issues?
What lab safety issues need to be considered when working with a student who is deaf?
What lab safety issues need to be considered when working with a student with a mobility impairment?
What lab safety issues need to be considered when working with a student with a visual impairment?
What language should I use to talk about people with disabilities?
What legal issues are associated with access to video products for students with sensory impairments?
What local extracurricular programs help students with disabilities learn about technology?
What makes information and communication technology inaccessible to people with disabilities?
What math, science, and technology skills are important for career success?
What process can I use to design accommodations for specific students with disabilities?
What proportion of postsecondary students have disabilities?
What readjustment services are available for veterans?
What resources are available for parents of students with disabilities?
What resources can help faculty make their courses more accessible to students with disabilities?
What resources can help students with disabilities find and apply for jobs?
What resources can help students with disabilities locate internships and other work-based experiences?
What resources help individuals learn how to talk about their disabilities?
What should I consider when deciding what kind of adaptive technology to use?
What should I do when a student informs me of a disability and requests an accommodation for a distance learning course?
What should people who have visual impairments expect regarding accessibility of telecommunications products?
What specific challenges make it difficult for people with mobility impairments to operate computers?
What standards exist for developing and purchasing accessible software?
What standards exist for developing and purchasing accessible video and multimedia products?
What statement can I put on my syllabus for students with disabilities?
What steps do teens with disabilities take to STEM careers?
What strategies are companies using to recruit employees with autism spectrum disorder?
What strategies can be used to accommodate students who are authorized to receive extra time on assignments or tests in lab courses?
What strategies can disability and information technology (IT) professionals implement to encourage accessibility of webpages, videos, and documents on their campuses?
What strategies used to recruit other underrepresented groups could be repurposed for use in recruiting students with disabilities to your program, institution, or department?
What technology can be helpful for teaching students with invisible disabilities?
What technology is available for students with cognitive disabilities?
What tools can facilitate conversations between students with disabilities and their advisors?
What U.S. federal legislation protects the rights of students with disabilities?
What web accessibility evaluation and repair tools are available?
What web-based resources tell how to make STEM accessible to people with disabilities?
When and how should a student with a disability disclose his or her disability to a potential employer?
When is the best time to disclose a disability to a prospective employer?
When requested, why is it important that I provide a reading list to the disability services office prior to the start of a term?
Where can I find Accessibility Demonstration Experiences (ADEs)?
Where can I find a collection of articles that deal with students with disabilities and STEM?
Where can I find a list of publisher contacts to request electronic text formats?
Where can I find a useful list of web resources regarding web accessibility?
Where can I find accessible downloadable museum exhibits?
Where can I find electronic text versions of books for students who have visual impairments or other print disabilities?
Where can I find examples of engineering senior design projects that help individuals with disabilities?
Where can I find guidelines for making online learning projects more accessible?
Where can I find information about summer camps for children with disabilities?
Where can I find information about the current state and future of cyberlearning?
Where can I find information about the experiences of students with intellectual disabilities in college?
Where can I find information on the digital divide?
Where can I find interns and employees with disabilities?
Where can I find online resources for learning about accessible information technology?
Where can I find projects that promote the participation of students with disabilities in STEM?
Where can I find promising practices regarding efforts to promote teaching inclusive K-12 computer science?
Where can I find resources about individuals with disabilities in specific career fields?
Where can I find resources about legal, social, and political issues related to disability?
Where can I find resources for making distance learning courses accessible?
Where can I find resources for nursing students and professional nurses with disabilities?
Where can I find resources related to brain injuries?
Where can I find resources related to health impairments?
Where can I find resources related to hearing impairments?
Where can I find resources related to learning disabilities and Attention-Deficit Disorder?
Where can I find resources related to mobility impairments?
Where can I find resources related to visual impairments?
Where can I find resources to help me plan an accessible computing activity?
Where can I find statistics about education and career attainment for individuals with disabilities?
Where can I find tips on making math accessible to students with disabilities?
Where can I find training materials for making science, technology, engineering, and mathematics instruction accessible?
Where can I find vendors who provide captioning services?
Where can I find vendors who specialize in assistive technology and materials for science laboratories?
Where can I learn about challenges and opportunities for veterans with disabilities in postsecondary education?
Where can I learn about experiences of individuals with disabilities in their own words?
Where can I learn about free assistive technology?
Where can I learn about incorporating accessibility topics in computing/IT courses?
Where can I learn about sign language for STEM fields?
Where can I learn more about accessibility and UD of informal STEM learning programs?
Where can I locate statistical data answering questions about students with disabilities and educational services?
Where can I locate the results of studies that test the accessibility of web pages?
Where can I read about research related to serving veterans?
Which set of web accessibility standards or guidelines should I comply with?
Which states have technology accessibility laws, policies, and standards?
Which web browsers are most accessible?
Who benefits from captions on videos?
Who is a "person with a disability?"
Who is responsible for providing a postsecondary institution with documentation of a student's disability?
Who is responsible for providing accessible transportation to a postsecondary student's internship or co-op?
Who is responsible for providing accommodations for student interns?
Who is the Foundation for Science and Disability?
Who offers training on assistive technology and the design of accessible technology?
Whom should I contact in my state if I have a question about assistive technology?
Why is accessible math important?
Why is data on people with disabilities in science and engineering scarce?
Why is it important that students with disabilities take precollege mathematics and science courses?
Why is it important to integrate disability, accessibility, and universal design content into engineering courses?
Why should students with disabilities consider studying design fields?
Why should students with disabilities participate in work-based learning?