
Original partners in the Collaborative Dissemination project included the Alliances funded by the .Ìý
- Collaborative Research: Alabama Alliance for Students with Disabilities in STEM (AASD-STEM) NSF abstracts (three awards) , , and .
- The Northwest Alliance for Students with Disabilities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (AccessSTEM)ÌýÌý²¹²Ô»åÌýproject website.
- Deaf STEM Community Alliance: Supporting Postsecondary Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in STEM .
- EAST Alliance for Students with Disabilities in STEM (East) .Ìý
- Georgia STEM Accessibility Alliance (GSAA) .
- Building an Alliance for New Careers in STEM (KC-BANCS): A Collaborative Model for the Inclusion of Youth and Veterans with Disabilities .Ìý
- MIND Alliance for Minority Students with Disabilities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (MIND) .Ìý
- Ohio's STEM Ability Alliance (OSAA): STEM Degrees and Careers for Ohioans with Disabilities (OSAA) .
- Pacific Alliance for Supporting Individuals with Disabilities in STEM Fields Partnership (Pacific) and .
- Reaching the Pinnacle (RTP) .
A sample of other past and current projects funded by NSF to broaden the participation of STEMÌýby includingÌýmore individuals with disabilities in STEM academic programs and careers are listed below.
- A Cluster Randomized Study of Heuristic Teaching vs. Intelligent Tutoring for Community College Students with Disabilities in Algebra (Heuristic Teaching vs. Intelligent Tutoring) .
- A Randomized Study of the Impact of STEM Mentors with Disabilities on High School Students with Disabilities (STEM Mentors) .
- Access By Design: A Faculty Development Model of STEM Education for Undergraduate Students with Disabilities (Access by Design) .
- Access to Advancement: An Audio Exploration of the National Effort to Increase the Role of Women with Disabilities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (Access to Advancement) and .
- AccessComputing and project website.
- AccessCSforAll , , and project website.
- AccessCyberlearning and project website.
- AccessEngineering and project website.
- AccessERC and project website.
- AccessINCLUDES and project website.
- AccessISL and project website.
- An Investigation of GI Bill Recipients with Disabilities Pursuit of STEM as a Viable Career Option .
- Building a Unified Research Agenda for K-12 Online Learning Environments to Improve STEM Outcomes for Students with Learning Disabilities and Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder .
- Career and Technical Education as a Foundation to Support Postsecondary Transitions in STEM for Students with Disabilities .
- Career and Technical Education as a Foundation to Support Postsecondary Transitions in STEM for Students with Disabilities .
- Creating Museum Media for Everyone .
- Developing and Evaluating a Peer Led Team Learning Curriculum in Calculus and Chemistry for Undergraduate Students with Learning and Attention Disabilities (Curriculum in Calculus and Chemistry) .
- Collaborative Research: Modeling IT Career Choices of Persons with Disabilities: The Case of Military Personnel and Veterans (Penn State University) .
- Collaborative Research: Modeling IT Career Choices of Persons with Disabilities: The Case of Military Personnel and Veterans (ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ State University) .
- Comprehensive Support for STEM Students with Learning Disability (CS3LD) and .
- Deaf Educational Access For Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (DEAF STEM) .
- Disseminating Effective Practices for Describing STEM Content for People who are Blind or Visually Impaired (Disseminating Effective Practices for Describing STEM Content) .
- The Effectiveness of Texas Instruments Navigator Technology on Algebra I Achievement and Attitudes of High School Students with Learning Disabilities or Who are "At Risk" (Algebra I Navigator Study) .
- The Effects of Dyslexia on Scientists' Analysis of Astrophysical Data .
- The Effects of Simulation Enhanced Training for Teachers on the Science Achievement of Third and Fourth Grade (SETS) .
- Effects of Teaching with Tablet PCs with Asynchronous Student Access in Post-Secondary STEM Courses on Students with Learning Disabilities (TTASA-SWLD) .
- Enrichment: Testing the Concept of a Virtual Alliance for Deaf and Hard of Hearing STEM Students at the Postsecondary Level (Enrichment: RIT) .
- Embodiment Awareness, Mathematics Discourse, and the Blind .
- EPSCOR: Plains Indian Sign Language: Fieldwork and Digital Archive Project .
- Evaluating the Implementation and Impact ofÌýRDE Projects .
- EXP: Exploring augmented reality to improve learning by deaf children in planetariums .
- Expanded Access to Biotechnology for Students with Disabilities (SummerLab) and .
- Expanding Geoscience Diversity: Alternative Field Environments for Non-Traditional Students .
- Increasing the Participation of Minority-serving Institutions in the Research in Disabilities Education Program (QEM RDE Workshop) .
- Independent Laboratory Access for Blind and Low Vision High School Students in the Mainstream Science Classroom (ILAB) .
- Innovations in STEM Education for Blind Undergraduates Using Digital Pen-Based Audio/Tactile Graphics (Audio/Tactile Graphics Smartpens for the Blind) .
- Investigating a Framework for STEM-ReadingÌýto Support Secondary School Students with Reading Disabilities .
- Investigating the Effectiveness of TinkerPlots in Helping Students with Learning Disabilities Understand Statistical Concepts (TinkerPlots) .
- Investigating Strengths People with Learning Differences Bring to STEM .
- Improving Access to STEM for Community College Students with Disabilities in Universally Designed Learning Communities .
- Improving STEM Learning through Interactive RoboBooks .
- Mathematics Education and Special Education (Response to Intervention) .
- Neuroscience for Neurodiverse Learners and project website.
- Postsecondary Pathways into STEM for Students with Disabilities .
- Predictors of Success in Postsecondary STEM Education and Employment for Students with Autism .
- Preparing Students with Learning Disabilities for Careers in Math and Science by Achieving Curriculum Standards (Preparing Students with LD in STEM) .
- Project At Ease .
- The Quality of Life Technology ModelÌýfor Graduating and Transitioning Postsecondary Students with Disabilities in STEM .
- RDE Collaborative Dissemination Project and project website.
- Research in Disabilities Education Synthesis Project (RDE-SP) .
- Response to Intervention in Mathematics: Beginning Substantive Collaboration between Mathematics Education and Special Education (Response to Intervention) .
- Science of Learning Center: Visual Language and Visual Learning (VL2) Ìý
- SciTrain: Science, Math and Technology for All .
- Self-Regulation of Science Learning in the Context of Educational Game Creation: A Study of Middle School Students with Learning Disabilities .
- Signing High School Science and .
- Signing Math Dictionary and .
- Social Presence During Instructor Mediated Synchronous Versus Asynchronous On-Line Course Discussions: A Study of Undergraduate Students with Disabilities Learning Statistics .
- Soft Skills - Hard Science: Teaching Soft Skills to Enhance Employment Outcomes for STEM Students with Disabilities .
- Spatial Thinking in the Curriculum of Students who are Blind or Low Vision (Spatial Curriculum Design) .
- Spectrum Support Program RIT: A transition and support program for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders pursuing degrees and careers in STEM fields .
- STEM Collaboration WorkshopÌýfor TCUP, RDE and REESE Communities .
- STEM Education and Workforce Participation over the Life Cycle: The Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Disability Status (University of Texas at Austin) .
- STEM Education and Workforce Participation over the Life Cycle: The Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Disability Status (University of Wisconsin-Madison) .
- STEM Education and Workforce Participation over the Life Cycle: The Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Disability Status (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities) .
- STEM Stars and .
- Stereotype Threat Effects and Deaf and Hard of Hearing College Students; Mathematics Problem Solving Performance .
- Stigmatization and Stereotype Threat among Adolescents with Learning Disability: Impacts on Cognition and Performance in Math .
- Students with Learning Disabilities: STEM Pathways in the Social Context .
- Supporting Deaf and Hard of Hearing Undergraduate Students in STEM Field Settings with Remote Speech-to-Text Services (Remote Speech-to-Text Services) .
- Supporting Math Access for Middle and High School Blind Students Through Adaptive Math Tutoring Technology (STEM Access) .
- Tactile Mapping Dissemination Project .
- Universal Design in College Algebra: Customizing Learning Resources for Two Year Students with Learning Disabilities (UD: College Algebra) .
- Universal Design and Technology for Students with Disabilities in STEM Fields (UD and Technology) .
- Universal Design of Inquiry-Based Middle and High School Science Curricula .
- User Centered Digital Library: Transforming Resources for Individual Preferences (Accessible Digital Library) .
- Veterans in STEM: Critical Analysis of the Factors Affecting Pathways to STEM Careers for Veterans Experiencing Disabilities .
- Women with Disabilities in STEM Education Research Agenda Development Project (WWDSE) .