Camp Courage Technology and College/Career Preview Camps

Technology and college/career preview programs have provided opportunities for teens with disabilities to plan for college, explore careers, and get hands-on experiences with the Internet and other technology. The Camp Courage sessions were offered for fifteen years through a partnership between the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´'s DO-IT project and the Courage Center in Minnesota. Beginning in 2010, the program is now fully operated by .
Campers in past programs have learned to access the wealth of information and support that is available on the Internet. They participated in daily workshops on topics ranging from how to choose and apply to a college to how to take a college campus tour online.
Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT Director; Rick Light, high school technology teacher; and Kris Rosenberg, DO-IT Ambassador, provided most of the instruction and technical support. Travis Burgstahler and Rob Upcraft helped create the program websites and demonstrate technology to the campers. A camper who previously attended a technology and college/career preview program assisted as a program intern. Much of the curriculum and resources in the program came from DO-IT's The Student Lounge website and DO-IT's rich collection of publications and videos.
Technology and college/career preview programs were not all work and no play. They were integrated into Camp Courage's recreational camp for teens with disabilities. The schedule allowed for ample opportunities to participate in typical camp activities like horseback riding, overnight camping, fishing, swimming, and other camp programs such as parties, dances and more.
For more information about past technology and college/career preview programs, consult the Camp Courage Technology and Career/College Preview participant websites. Explore the camper links to experience some of the engaging activities enjoyed by campers.