How can STEM academic departments be more accessible to and inclusive of faculty with disabilities?

As institutions seek to leverage the benefits of diversity, application pools for faculty positions have become increasingly diverse, inclusive of faculty with disabilities who bring unique and valuable perspectives and talents to the workplace. However, the inaccessible design of the employment application process, as well as many campus facilities, software tools, services, and online resources, continue to erect barriers to some applicants and employees with disabilities, including those who are also members of other marginalized groups.

Equal Access: Making STEM Departments More Accessible to and Inclusive of Faculty with Disabilities

Guidance and a checklist for getting started

Application pools for faculty positions in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) have become increasingly diverse. However, the inaccessible design of the employment application process, as well as facilities, software tools, services, and online resources on many campuses, continue to erect barriers to some applicants and employees with disabilities, including those who are also members of other marginalized groups. 

Women Faculty with Dis/ability Task Force: A Promising Practice for Faculty Equity

The North Dakota State University (NDSU) NSF team/project recognized that their diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts attended too little to the unique experiences and perspectives of faculty experiencing dis/ability. In particular, the project team wanted to promote a campus commitment to address workplace and campus climate issues with respect to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) women faculty members with dis/ability. But where to begin?
