
How do I navigate around Microsoft Windows using only a keyboard?

Many keyboards have a Windows key which will bring up the start menu. The keyboard combination Ctrl+Esc also brings up this menu. The up and down arrow keys allow you to move through the menu items. Those items with a submenu are visually indicated with a small black triangle/arrowhead. These submenus may also branch out further into other submenus. The Esc key allows you to go back one step in the navigation process. Once you have arrived at the desired item, pressing the Enter key acts in the same way as a left-mouse click to make a choice.

How can I easily open my most often used programs in Windows?

Any of the shortcut icons that can be double-clicked to start an application can also be assigned a unique three-key combination called a shortcut key. Shortcut keys can be used to open a users' most often used programs in Windows. This can be a lifesaver for those using a screen reading program that has stopped and left the computer user who is blind without control of the machine.

How are the terms "dwarf," "little person," and "person of short stature" commonly used?

The terms "person of short stature," "little person," and "dwarf" are commonly used in the United States to refer to a person with a medical condition called "dwarfism." Although preferred terms vary by person and community, according to the website, many people who experience dwarfism prefer the term "little person." According to Little People of America, dwarfism is "a medical or genetic condition that usually results in an adult height of 4 ft 10 inches (145 cm) or shorter, among both men and women." Unless physic

What federal laws in the U.S. protect the rights of people with disabilities?

The U.S. Department of Justice's lists and summarizes the content of key federal legislation to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities. It includes information about the Americans with Disabilities Act, Telecommunications Act, Fair Housing Act, Air Carrier Access Act, National Voter Registration Act, Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Rehabilitation Act, and Architectural Barriers Act. It also includes links to additional resources.

Geography and Christian: A Case Study in Accommodating In-Class Computer-Based Testing


My name is Christian and I'm a geography major. I have a learning disability that affects my reading and writing skills.

Access Issue

Due to my disability, I receive testing accommodations (extended time and computer access) through the disability services office. I recently enrolled in a geography course where my exams are given in class followed by continued lecture time. I was concerned about how I would take the extended time I needed for tests on the in-class computers and access the lecture material following the exam.

How can web pages be made accessible to individuals who have cognitive disabilities?

When designing web pages it is important to keep in mind the diversity of skills and abilities of the people who may visit the site. If a website will appeal to a broad audience that includes individuals with cognitive disabilities, then the website should be designed with those individuals in mind. Features that make websites easy to comprehend and navigate for everyone are often the most helpful for people with cognitive disabilities.

Basic strategies for making web pages accessible to individuals with cognitive disabilities include those listed below.
