
Roadmaps & Rampways: Case Studies of Success in Science

The publication chronicles the journeys of three dozen students from childhood to higher education in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics and on through their early career decisions. Each had a significant disability. When they were born or acquired a disability, few of their doctors, educators, or neighbors could have imagined that their journeys would be so successful.

How can principles of universal design be used to construct a computer lab?

It is important to design the facility for users with a wide range of abilities and disabilities (e.g., visual, mobility, and hearing impairments; learning disabilities). Getting input from students with various disabilities about how to set up the computer lab can help ensure that specific student needs are met. Make sure that the computer lab offers access to equipment and software and to electronic resources. It is also important that staff are trained to work with students who have disabilities and understand how to use adaptive technology within the lab.

Distance Learning: A Case Study on the Accessibility of an Online Course


My name is Maria and I am a distance learning instructor at a community college. A student who is blind enrolled in my course and told me that some of the content was inaccessible.

Access Issue

Specifically, the student pointed out that some course content was embedded in graphics images that she could not access using her text-to-speech system.


I added text descriptions for all of the graphics images in my course.


This case demonstrates the following:

Are there electronic mentoring programs for students with disabilities?

Yes, there are electronic mentoring programs that connect people with disabilities to peers and mentors via the Internet. Before joining an e-mentoring community, young people should obtain permission from their parents or guardians, who should check out the community and sponsor before allowing their children to participate. Apply Internet safety guidelines, such as those at .

Sean and Computer Science: A Case Study on Accommodations for a Psychiatric Disorder


I am a computer science major, and my name is Sean. I have a psychiatric condition called Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). I was first diagnosed in grade school by a child psychiatrist. I also have some social phobias and physical tics, but the OCD is what most affects my academic work. I take medication that controls some of my symptoms.

How can I create a club for students with disabilities on my campus?

Interactions with your peers can reinforce your classroom learning, help you persist to graduation, and make your college experience more satisfying (Pascarella, E.T., & Terenzini, P. T. 2005. How College Affects Students: A Third Decade of Research. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco). A group of students working together to advocate for increased accessibility on campus can also be more effective than a student advocating alone.
