
What aspects of the Exploring Computer Science (ECS) or Computer Science Principles (CSP) curriculum might present accessibility challenges to students with disabilities?

Exploring Computer Science () and Computer Science Principles () are two different curricula for computer science that are used in K-12 settings. Both have the potential to be accessible to students with disabilities, but also present accessibility challenges. These challenges include

How can K-12 computing instructors get support working with students with disabilities?

Accessibility experts in the project, funded by the National Science Foundation, can answer individual questions that computing instructors have about working with students with disabilities. Their specific expertise includes topics related to disability types, accessible design of technology, inclusive teaching, and computing education. For support, contact or 509-328-9331.

How can K-12 computing courses be made accessible to students with disabilities?

Many students with disabilities have successfully completed computing courses during their K-12 education. As a result, some have successfully completed postsecondary degrees in computing and now have careers in computing fields. However, more work needs to be done in order for all students with disabilities have opportunities to pursue these careers.
