
AccessCSforAll: Increasing the Participation of Students with Disabilities in K-12 Computer Science Education

​AccessCSforAll is a Research-Practitioner Partnership that includes and schools nationwide, including those that serve students who are deaf, are blind, or have learning disabilities. Together they are creating and testing the effectiveness of an accessible version of AP Computer Science Principles. AccessCSforAll also partners with College Board to ensure that they are ready to fully accommodate students with disabilities in their testing.

What accessibility features are provided with the Windows operating system?

Some individuals with disabilities require assistive technology (AT) in order to access computers. Hundreds of Windows AT third-party products are available, making it possible for almost anyone to use Windows® applications, regardless of their disabilities. The Microsoft® Windows® operating systems also provides a core set of basic accessibility features and AT applications, which can be deployed on all computers in a computer lab or classroom without additional cost.
