
What is MSAA?

In order for assistive technologies (AT) to convey meaningful information to users about an application's user interface, the AT first must be able to access that information from the application. Microsoft's solution to this problem is Microsoft庐 Active Accessibility庐 (MSAA), which has been available as an add-on since Windows庐 95 and built into subsequent Windows庐 releases. MSAA is a technology that provides a standard, consistent mechanism for exchanging information between applications and assistive technologies.

Are there resources to help me in planning my web accessibility training?

There are many individuals and groups who share responsibility for making web content accessible. Standards organizations such as the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C庐) and the federal Access Board have developed web accessibility guidelines and standards. But in order to be effective, these standards must be supported by web browsers, media players, and other user agents, as well as by web authoring software tools and assistive technologies. Accessibility-focused organizations and advocacy groups are working diligently to educate these groups.

Does making our school web content accessible mean I cannot use multimedia on my site?

No. It means instead that you must design multimedia in such a way that individuals with disabilities, particularly those with sensory impairments, can access it or that you must provide an alternate format for the content in the multimedia. For example, a video clip can be captioned for those who are deaf and audio-described or transcribed for those who are blind and using speech or Braille technology for access.

Are text-only websites an accessible alternative?

Some website developers imagine that providing a separate text-only website is an easy way to support screen reader users so that they can have an accessible experience without requiring animations, media controls that are typically operated with a mouse, image-based infographics, or frequently updated content that may cause confusion. While this approach may seem logical on the surface, text-only websites are rarely maintained, have limited functionality, and simply cannot provide the same user experience for everyone that can be provided by making the 鈥渞egular鈥 website accessible.

Ohio State University: A Promising Practice in Web Accessibility Support

A growing number of postsecondary institutions are developing policies and implementing support solutions for assuring that their web content is accessible to people with disabilities. One of these institutions is Ohio State University, whose went into effect on June 30, 2004. Ohio State is particularly noteworthy in that they have a strong tradition of providing web accessibility support services to their faculty, staff, and teaching assistants.

What are examples of accessible information and communication technology in education?

Computers, multimedia, software, electronic communication, the web, and other information technologies are common in educational institutions today. The ability to access and use this technology has become essential to full participation of students in academic and other school-related activities. For most educational institutions, accessibility is commonly addressed as an afterthought and on an individual basis, often making it difficult, time-consuming, and costly to provide adequate access.
