Resources for Parents and Mentors

The following resources can help parents and mentors who wish to promote the academic and career success of students with disabilities.

DO-IT Resources

Online Resources

  • Involving young people in setting their own high school goals and planning for their transition to adulthood.

  • Definitions of bullying, teasing, and disability harassment; research about bullying and harassment; two effective, comprehensive, whole-school, anti-bullying programs; and recommendations and resources.

  • The requirements for transition under IDEA, the composition and functioning of the Individual Education Program (IEP) Transition Team, and special factors for the IEP Team to consider.

  • Coordination and integration of various services (e.g. education, vocational rehabilitation, developmental disabilities) so that youth with disabilities receive continued support to maintain and expand their employment and independent living outcomes throughout adulthood.

  • The importance of involving parents in the transition from high school to the post-secondary environment, concrete recommendations to help parents learn to mentor and advocate for their post-secondary youth, resources, and references.

  • A toolkit for youth transitioning to adulthood.

  • Description of person-centered planning, explanation of the benefits of this process, and resources.

  • Highlights of the results of the National Longitudinal Study-2 in regard to social activities of youth with disabilities.

  • Views on quality education from two individuals with disabilities and a parent of a youth with a disability.

Social Security and Supplemental Security Income

  • Details regarding SS services.

  • Information about eligibility and procedures.

  • Practical information about how youth can use Social Security work incentives to facilitate a gradual transition from dependence on Supplemental Security Income (SSI) to partial or complete financial independence.

  • Description of the process for applying for Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

  • Information about the appeals process, including why many applications are denied, how the decisions are made, and how applicants can respond effectively.