Are there standards or guidelines for providing captions?

Multimedia presentations can be inaccessible to people who are unable to hear the audio content. The solution is to provide captions, a text version of the audio content that is synchronized with the multimedia presentation.

The technical standards and specifications for captioning video are well established and documented. For additional information relevant to online multimedia, consult the AccessIT Knowledge Base article What is the difference between SMIL and SAMI?

Does Section 508 apply to a state university or community college?

Section 508 addresses the obligations of Federal agencies. However, state governments or individual institutions of higher education may have adopted some or all of the §508 standards or other standards such as those published by the . To determine whether your specific institution must comply with §508 or other accessibility standards, we suggest that individuals check to see if there is a policy statement/letter from your higher education administration or your state board of education, and/or ask your attorney

What does it mean to "effectively communicate"; website content to individuals with disabilities as required by Section 504 and the ADA?

The "effectively communicate" standard was used by the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) in complaint resolution agreements with postsecondary institutions to determine whether the means of communication (meaning the transfer of information, whether via media, print or the Internet) of the postsecondary institution satisfied the legal obligations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (§504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

University of Minnesota: A Promising Practice in Developing an Accessible Information Technology Policy

While many universities in the United States are still struggling to develop accessibility policies for websites and distance learning courses, the University of Minnesota took a broader view by developing an that includes hardware and software in addition to websites. The policy was developed as part of efforts to promote equal access to information, technologies, and services offered by the university to students, staff and visitors.
