Are there fume hoods that are accessible to people with mobility impairments?

Yes, although standard fume hoods may be inaccessible to some users because of height and configuration, portable fume hoods allow flexibility in configuration and placement. They can be placed on adjustable-height tables to allow access for users who are seated, short in stature, or using a wheelchair. Several models of portable, ductless fume hoods are available from . These hoods require no installation other than the connection of a power cord and can be easily set up on carts or tables.

Lesson 06: Mobility

Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
Distance Learning Course
SUBJECT: Accommodations 6: MOBILITY


The purpose of this lesson is to increase your awareness of the issues and strategies related specifically to accommodations for students with MOBILITY IMPAIRMENTS.

By reflecting on YOUR course while reading the CONTENT and by considering the question for discussion, you will be guided to consider possible modifications to your course SPECIFICALLY related to accommodations for students with MOBILITY impairments.

Knowledge Base

The DO-IT Knowledge Base contains over 800 Case Studies, Promising Practices, and Q&As regarding accessibility of technology, college, graduate school, and careers for individuals with disabilities. Search the Knowledge Base for articles particularly relevant to universal design by selecting “CUDE" as a Program/Area. Below the search feature are popular articles in CUDE.
