Veterans Center

What is Hire Heroes USA?

was formed in 2007 by representatives from Seattle area corporations who wanted to help veterans and military family members find corporate workforce jobs. Each year, Hire America's Heroes hosts an annual symposium to "share best practices and success strategies for sourcing, recruiting, hiring, on-boarding, and retaining America's transitioning service members and military veterans."

What is braille translation software?

Although people who are blind use speech output systems to read aloud electronic documents, tactile formats are often most effective in highly technical disciplines such as mathematics, physics, computer science, and engineering. Braille translation software translates electronic documents into braille code. From these files, a refreshable braille display can present tactile braille or a braille embosser can produce a hard-copy on special paper.

What are tactile graphics?

Tactile graphics, sometimes referred to as the haptic sensory modality, deliver information through touch. They often accompany Braille textbooks to convey content in maps, charts, building layouts, schematic diagrams, and images of geometric figures. Tactile graphics are often handmade by Braille transcribers as part of Braille textbook production. In some cases, the creation of tactile graphics is facilitated by automated processes using various software applications. Some methods used to create tactile graphics are described below.

Serving Veterans Think Tank: A Promising Practice in Improving Civilian Career Outcomes for Veterans with Disabilities

The Think Tank: Serving Veterans with Disabilities was hosted on March 26, 2008 by the DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) Center at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ in Seattle as part of The Alliance for Students with Disabilities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (AccessSTEM) project.
