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Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology
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We found 75 matching articles.
Case Studies
Accessible Outdoor Table Design: A Case Study in Teaching Design Students to Think Universally
Removing Barriers: A Case Study on Classroom Access
Web Access: A Case Study on Making Content Accessible to a Student who is Blind
Promising Practices
A Smart Board in the Classroom: A Promising Practice for Engaging Students
AccessCollege: A Promising Practice in Making Postsecondary Institutions Welcoming and Accessible to Students with Disabilities
AccessComputing Engagement: A Promising Practice in Universally Designing Remote Meetings
Bioengineering Capstone Projects: A Promising Practice in Integrating Universal Design Concepts into Engineering Curriculum
CIRCL: A Promising Practice in Modeling and Promoting Accessibility
Course Accessibility Checklist: A Promising Practice in Helping Instructors Create Accessible Online Learning Courses
Design Projects That Serve Veterans with Disabilities: A Promising Practice in Teaching How to Design Assistive Technology
DO-IT Prof: A Promising Practice in Making Postsecondary Instruction Accessible to Students with Disabilities
DO-IT: A Promising Practice in Designing Accessible Videos
Faculty Learning Communities: A Promising Practice in Faculty Development
Letter to the President: A Promising Practice in Promoting Technology Accessibility
Making Design Reviews Accessible to Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Participants: A Promising Practice in Engineering Education
Shaping the Future of Cyberlearning: A Promising Practice for Promoting Accessibility in Cyberlearning Projects
Teaching 糖心原创 Accessibility: A Promising Practice for Integrating Accessibility Topics in Computing and IT Courses
The 糖心原创: A Promising Practice in Making Distance Learning Courses Accessible to Students with Disabilities
Transitional Bridges: A Promising Practice in Using Universal Design and Technology to Promote the Success of Students with Disabilities in STEM
WebD2: A Promising Practice in Integrating Accessibility Topics into Curriculum
Are postsecondary institutions responsible for accessibility at off-campus events?
Are there tools that can be used to check for accessibility issues in a Canvas course?
Can chemistry be taught to students with disabilities?
How can computing courses be made more accessible to students with specific learning disabilities?
How can educational entities plan an accessible video production?
How can engineering departments be welcoming and accessible to students with disabilities?
How can faculty be encouraged to include accessibility topics in computing curriculum?
How can I design a school computer lab to be accessible to all students?
How can I get started in making my distance learning course accessible to all students?
How can I integrate disability-related topics into the classes that I teach?
How can I make my computing department more accessible to students with disabilities?
How can makerspaces be made more accessible to users with disabilities?
How can nontechnical administrators ensure that the websites their employees create and maintain are accessible to people with disabilities?
How can Office for Civil Rights resolutions help guide campuses in making information technology accessible?
How can principles of universal design be applied to technology-based math content?
How can principles of universal design be used to construct a computer lab?
How can universal design be applied in educational settings?
How can universal design be applied in postsecondary education?
How can universal design be applied to instruction?
How can universal design, disability, and accessibility topics be integrated into the engineering curriculum?
How can web design teachers learn to incorporate web accessibility in their courses?
How can you include individuals with disabilities in broadening participation activities for other underrepresented groups?
How can you integrate accessibility into your syllabus?
How can you introduce accessibility topics in engineering courses?
How can you make your presentation accessible?
How can you prepare engineering students to work with people with disabilities?
How do learning management systems differ on accessibility?
How might teaching about universal design help to diversify the engineering student body?
What access challenges might visitors to a web page experience?
What are challenges to increasing the participation of students with disabilities in computing?
What are different models of disability?
What are reasonable accommodations for students with mobility impairments when fieldwork sites are not physically accessible?
What are some assignments that could be used in lieu of tests to help students with disabilities demonstrate mastery of content?
What are some examples of engineering courses that teach about disability, accessibility, or universal design?
What are some steps that distance learning program administrators can take to ensure the accessibility of their courses?
What are specific computer applications that can assist students with learning disabilities?
What are the benefits of universal design of a distance learning course for students without disabilities?
What are the main features of an accessible computer lab?
What are the steps to take in making a school computer lab accessible?
What considerations should be made in order to develop accessible web-based distance learning courses?
What institutional strategies can reduce barriers to academic STEM careers faced by women with disabilities?
What is Culturally Relevant Pedagogy for Neurodiversity?
What is the difference between accessible, usable, and universal design?
What is the difference between open and closed captioning?
What is universal design?
What resources can help faculty make their courses more accessible to students with disabilities?
What steps can developers take to ensure that online learning tools are usable by people with disabilities?
What web-based resources tell how to make STEM accessible to people with disabilities?
Where can I find a glossary of disability-related terms?
Where can I find accessible downloadable museum exhibits?
Where can I find guidelines for making online learning projects more accessible?
Where can I find online resources for learning about accessible information technology?
Where can I learn about incorporating accessibility topics in computing/IT courses?
Why is it important that students with disabilities take precollege mathematics and science courses?
Why is it important to integrate disability, accessibility, and universal design content into engineering courses?