'09 Ambassadors

Group photo of 2009 DO-IT Scholars

DO-IT Ambassadors are pursuing postsecondary studies and careers. They share their experiences with DO-IT Scholars and Pals, encouraging them to pursue their goals in college and employment.

Image of Vanessa
Vanessa, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Vanessa. I attend Yakima Valley Community College. I am working towards a legal assistant degree. I enjoy studying the Bible and am a Bible study volunteer. My hobbies include reading, writing, music, and Sudoku puzzles. I love old movies and TV shows. I have athetoid cerebral palsy and mild hearing loss, but I look at these things as keeping my life from being dull. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2011.

Image of Bilal
Bilal, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Bilal. I attend Edmonds Community College and plan to transfer to the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I enjoy studying English, and I would like to be an orthodontist some day. I like to play basketball, stay active, and learn new things. I have a learning disability. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2011.

Image of Reese
Reese, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Reese. I have orthographic dysgraphia. I am planning to double major in political science and public relations at Gonzaga University because I want to develop the skills to be an activist for a certain cause. I love hanging out with my friends, composing music, being on the swim team, and going on vacations. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2011.

Image of Anna
Anna, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Anna. I attend Shoreline Community College and am working towards a degree as a special education major. I have a brain tumor; some of the side effects are loss of vision and partial paralysis. I work at Jet City Improv as a house manager. In my free time I like to sleep and write. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2011.

Image of Ryan
Ryan, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Ryan. I have autism. I am a sophomore at Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University where I am majoring in music performance. I hope to become a professional timpanist, geographer, and filmmaker (designing music for movies). I love performing locally and have traveled to Europe doing concerts. Next year I'm going to Ghana. I also volunteer with to help schools learn to include those with disabilities. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2011.

Image of Louis
Louis,'09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Louis. I attend American University and took one year off before starting college. During that time, I lived and worked on a dairy farm in New Zealand, a kibbutz in Israel and traveled to Oceania, and Southeast Asia. I have dyslexia and dysgraphia. Some of my interests are soccer, rugby, outdoor sorts, existentialism and writing. I would like to be a smoke jumper, writer, or economist someday.

Image of Shelby
Shelby, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Shelby. I will be a junior this fall at Brigham Young University (BYU) in Provo, Utah. I am majoring in communications with an emphasis on public relations. I hope to work in the entertainment, health, or non-profit industries. Maybe all three! At school, I am involved in BYU's student leadership and service group as well as the BYU chapter of Public Relations Students Society of America. I was a marketing intern at a Seattle architecture firm. As a part of the internship, I had an article published in the American School Board Journal about involving students in the design process of schools. In my spare time, I blog at as well as read other blogs, find new bands on YouTube, and hang out with my friends! I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2011.

Image of Allegra
Allegra, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Allegra. Due to my health I decided attend an online school, the Penn Foster College, to study freelance writing. My goal is to build up my reputation, land an agent, and have my first novel published in the next five years. I have SMA type 2 so I'm in a wheelchair but I don't let that stop me from doing things. If you want to talk, feel free to email me or find me on Facebook.

Image of Sean
Sean, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Sean. I will be a junior at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ in the fall and would like to study human-centered design and engineering. As an Eagle Scout, I created angled stretching platforms that I donated to Children's Hospital in Seattle. I have Becker muscular dystrophy. I play guitar. I am also a member of the Center for Neurotechnology Student Leadership Council. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2011.

Image of Leo
Leo, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Leo. I enjoy mathematics and literature and would like to earn a degree in animation. Someday I would like to have a job that involves either video editing or animation. One of my personal achievements was that I received more than 150,000 views on videos that I created and posted on YouTube. On the computer, I like to play video games that require building and strategy, like the Sims. I like to listen to most music, with the exception of country. I have a beagle. I have a spinal cord injury that affects the movements of my body—my right side is more limited than my left. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2011.

Image of Josh
Josh, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Josh. I just finished my freshman year at George Fox University. I am a sociology major with a writing minor. I enjoy writing fictional stories and in the next year I plan to write a couple of children's stories, a few short stories, and if I find the time and inspiration, a novel or novella. I am a member of the George Fox Jazz Ensemble and next semester I might decide to join the Symphonic band as well. I am a big sports fan and I enjoy playing basketball, baseball, and football. I have Charcot-Marie-Toothe, a form of muscular dystrophy. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2011.

Image of Josh
Josh, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Josh. I am a junior at Clark College. I enjoy studying science and English. In the future I would like to be a youth pastor or counselor. I also enjoy art, drawing, and building things. I have two dogs. I have spina bifida and a learning disability.

Image of Kristin
Kristin, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Kristin. I attend Whatcom Community College. My career goals include archeology or working in the mental health field. I like reading, traveling, hanging out with friends, and playing with my three dogs and my rabbit, Puck. I have dyslexia. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2011.

Image of Alex
Alex, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Alex. I attend Skagit Valley College full time. After earning an associate of arts transfer degree, I plan on either attending the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ or Western ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University to earn a bachelor's degree in criminal justice with a minor in forensic sciences. In the future, I would like to become a police officer, medical examiner, or a Navy officer. In my spare time, I enjoy playing sports, working out, hanging out with my friends, and listening to and playing music. I have cerebral palsy. I was a DO-IT Intern during Summer Study 2011.

Image of Joey
Joseph, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Joey. I have Asperger's syndrome. I attend Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University where I study computer science. I like computer science because it is concrete and hands on. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2011.

Image of Abby
Abby, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Abby. I enjoy French and math. I would like to go into the field of Braille proofreading. I like music and musicals, reading and writing fan fiction, and books like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. I am blind with light perception.

Image of Chris
Christopher, '09 Scholar

Hi. My name is Chris. Last summer I traveled with a group of college students to several countries in Europe. I now attend Clark College (it's so close to my home that I can ride my bike), and I plan to study forestry. Eventually, I may work in a vineyard. I like science, history, math, reading, Xbox games, and being friendly. Writing remains challenging since I have ADD and dyslexia. I have two dogs—a big yellow Labrador Retriever and a small King Charles Cavalier Spaniel. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2012.