1997 Scholars

1997 Summer Study group photo


Alexi, '97 Scholar

Profoundly deaf
Earned degrees in English and publishingÌýfrom the University of Connecticut. Works forÌýa survey sampling service, supporting marketÌý Ìýresearch companies.

Amanda, '97 Scholar

Earned a bachelor’s degree in communicationsÌýwith a minor in computer systems integration from the University of Great Falls; graduatedÌýwith honors. Works as a freelance writer.

Andrew, '97 Scholar

Mobility impairment
Earned an associate of applied science degree inÌýgraphic arts from Monroe Community College.ÌýAlso studied physics at the RochesterÌýInstituteÌýof Technology. Works as a network operationsÌýtechnician at Frontier Communications.

Ben, '97 Scholar

Earned an associate’s degree in design draftingÌýand a mechanical design certificate fromÌýGreen River Community College. Pursuing anÌýarchitectural and civil drafting degree.

Brad, '97 Scholar

Studied business at Northern Arizona UniversityÌýand worked at Pima Community College as aÌýbusiness mathematics tutor.

Cynthia, '97 Scholar

Earned a bachelor’s degree in economicsÌýfrom the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. WorksÌýat the Federal Aviation Administration as aÌýmanagement and program analyst.

Jennifer, '97 Scholar

Earned a bachelor’s degree from the UniversityÌýof North Dakota. Lives in Norfolk, Virginia. IsÌýa homemaker and enjoys hosting otherÌý people.ÌýHas received first guide dog.

Justin, '97 Scholar

Attended college.

Karyn, '97 Scholar

Works as a personal trainer and running coach.ÌýTravels around the world competing in halfÌýmarathon, 10k, and 5k races. Completed first fullÌýmarathon in 2018. Lives with husband and dog,Ìý​Tilly, in Snohomish, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´.

Keaton, '97 Scholar

Attended the University of Utah and wasÌýpursuing a career in engineering when he diedÌýin 2001 after a battle with cancer.

Laura, '97 Scholar

Ischemic spinal cord injury
Earned a master’s degree and a doctoral degreeÌýin micro electronics and photonics from theÌýUniversity of Arkansas. Recipient of the WaltonÌýDistinguished Doctoral Fellowship.

Michael, '97 Scholar

Spina bifida with upper motor neuron dysfunction
Earned a doctoral degree in political theoryÌýand international politics from the UniversityÌýof Denver’s Graduate School of InternationalÌýStudies.

Shakethia, '97 Scholar

Mobility impairment
Earned a bachelor of accountancy degree fromÌýMississippi State University and a master ofÌýbusiness administration degree from BelhavenÌýUniversity. Works as an accountant for the NorthÌýEast MS Electric Power Association.

Sharon, '97 Scholar

Visual impairment
Earned a certification for teaching people withÌývisual impairments, a bachelor’s degree in socialÌýscience, and a master’s degree in education fromÌýPortland State University. Studied orientationÌýand mobility at the University of NorthernÌýColorado. Works as a teacher of people withÌývisual impairments and an orientation andÌýmobility instructor. Actively involved in theÌýguide dog community.

Steven, '97 Scholar

Severe hearing loss
Earned a master of business administrationÌýdegree from University of New Haven andÌýa bachelor’s degree in economics from theÌýUniversity of Connecticut. Works as a managerÌýfor Citco in San Francisco.

Trent, '97 Scholar

Enjoys cashiering and working for Target.ÌýHas been on the board for ENSO (EnvisioningÌýSolutions) for several years. Helped plan and runÌýthe 2018 Special Olympics held in Seattle. LivesÌýin a condo on Alki.

Veronica, '97 Scholar

Earned a bachelor’s degree from HarvardÌýUniversity and a law degree from GeorgetownÌýUniversity. Worked in the United States Senate.ÌýPractices corporate law in New York.