1999 Scholars

Osteogenesis imperfecta
Earned an associate’s degree from EdmondsÌýCommunity College. Pursuing a bachelor ofÌýscience degree in computer engineering atÌýÌÇÐÄÔ´´ State University.
Earned a bachelor’s degree in physical educationÌýand a master’s degree in deaf education atÌýWestern Oregon University. Works as a coachÌýand teacher at the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ State School forÌýthe Deaf.
Speech and learning disabilities
Has a degree under parks and recreation. OwnsÌýa daycare and indoor family fun center. WorksÌýwith kids with special needs.
Attended Seattle Central College.
Muscular dystrophyÌý
Graduated from Big Bend Community CollegeÌýand was pursuing a career in computer-aidedÌýdesign or video game programming when heÌýpassed away in March 2005.
Spina bifida and attention deficit hyperactivity disorderÌý
Works in Tacoma Community College’sÌýenrollment services office, taking over many ofÌýthe retired supervisor’s responsibilities. Also,Ìýworks part-time in the admission’s office.
Cerebral palsy
Works as a substitute teacher.
Cerebral palsy, language and processingÌýdisabilitiesÌý
Blogs about disability and advocacy issues on herÌýÌýand . Hobbies includeÌýhorseback riding, adaptive drawing, painting,Ìýand pottery; being out in nature; and collectingÌýÌýminiature horses, rocks, and crystals.
Visual impairment
Earned a degree in political science andÌýphilosophy from the University of Portland.ÌýWorked in nonprofit environments, includingÌýa homeless shelter in Uganda. Plans to pursueÌýPeace Corps service in sub-Saharan Africa.
Attended Yakima Community College.
Learning disability
Earned an associate’s degree in computingÌýfrom Spokane Falls Community College andÌýa bachelor’s degree at Western GovernorsÌýUniversity in information technology networkÌýdesign and management. Works as a processÌýimprovement engineer in the IT departmentÌýof Numerica Credit Union. Married and hasÌýchildren.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Earned a bachelor’s degree in computer scienceÌýfrom Central ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ University in 2005.ÌýWorked several contracts for Microsoft testingÌýsoftware, including user interface accessibilityÌýand for Maker’s Tool Works, a 3D printerÌýcompany, providing documentation andÌýcustomer support. Passed away August 2016.Ìý
Learning disability
Earned an associate’s degree from Grays HarborÌýCollege.
Larsen syndrome, double amputeeÌý
Earned a bachelor’s degree in European studiesÌýat the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´. CurrentlyÌýworks at the National Oceanic and AtmosphericÌýAdministration, Fisheries Science Center inÌýSeattle as an information technology specialist.ÌýPlays wheelchair basketball in free time and ifÌýextra free time can be found, skis.
Spina bifida
Earned a degree in social sciences from Seattle Central College. Finishing up last quarter atÌýthe Seattle Vocational Institute in the medicalÌýadministrative assistant certification program.ÌýÌýWorks with Full Life Home Care Agency.
Learning disability
Graduated from Skagit Valley College and nowÌýworking as a registered nurse on a progressiveÌýand critical care unit with plans to pursue beingÌýa nurse practitioner.