2001 Scholars

Earned a bachelor’s degree in communicationÌýfrom the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´. Works as aÌýcontroller for Oak Harbor Freight Lines.
Cerebral palsy
Earned a bachelor’s degree in special educationÌýfrom Central ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ University. Works as aÌýsubstitute teacher in Everett Public Schools. HasÌýan American Eskimo dog named Edward.
Generalized anxiety disorder, learning disabilityÌý
Earned two bachelor of science degreesÌýin sociology and mechanical engineering technology from Central ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ University.
Has associate’s degrees in liberal arts andÌýscience, and pharmacy technology. NationallyÌýcertified Pharmacy Technician and working forÌýSanford Health. Has two girls and a boy.
Was looking forward to earning a college degreeÌýand becoming a software engineer when he diedÌýin April 2003 from a respiratory infection.
Left side paralysis and epilepsy, caused by aÌýtraumatic brain injury at 13
Earned a bachelor of arts degree from TheÌýEvergreen State College and a master ofÌýeducation in counseling from the UniversityÌýof Puget Sound. Employed as career specialistÌýin the ACHIEVE Program at Highline College.ÌýServes on the Governor’s Committee forÌýDisability Issues and Employment and asÌýCo.Vice Chair of the Youth Leadership Forum.ÌýReceived a 2015 DO-IT Trailblazer Award.
Spastic quadriplegia with ataxia and juvenileÌýStargardts disease
Graduated with an associate of arts degreeÌýfrom Skagit Valley Community College in 2008,Ìýand with an associate of applied science inÌýcomputer networking degree from BellinghamÌýTechnical College in 2017. Currently workingÌýpart-time at Whatcom Community College in theÌýe-learning department testing the accessibilityÌýof documents and online resources for studentsÌýwho use screen readers and magnifiers.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Achieved his childhood dream of attending theÌýÌÇÐÄÔ´´. Died in his dormÌýroom in February 2004.
Cerebral palsy
Earned a master of social work from EasternÌýÌÇÐÄÔ´´ University.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, bilateral clubfeet
Earned a bachelor’s degree in archeology fromÌýthe University of West Florida.
Attention deficit disorder
Attended college in Spokane, ÌÇÐÄÔ´´.
Earned a bachelor’s degree in social servicesÌýfrom Central ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ University and aÌýlibrary and technology certificate from HighlineÌýCommunity College. Currently working as aÌýfront desk representative at a swimming pool.Ìý
Dyslexia, short-term memory defect
Works as a chemical process safety manager forÌýGeorgia-Pacific in Oregon. Married and has aÌýson.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Earned an associate’s degree from Clark College.ÌýStudying digital technology and culture at ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ State University.
Asperger syndrome
Continuing work on an accessible campaignÌýgame (an RPG, similar to Dungeons andÌýDragons) that will be both digital and table top.
C7 quadriplegic, profoundly deaf, respiratory fragility
Graduated from South Puget Sound CommunityÌýCollege. Transferred to The Evergreen StateÌýCollege to earn a teaching degree and isÌýcurrently studying Spanish.
Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiveÌý Ìý
Graduated from Seattle Pacific University afterÌýstudying to be a Spanish–English interpreter andÌýtranslator. Passed away in November 2017.
Transverse myelitis
Earned a bachelor of science in businessÌýadministration from the University of ArizonaÌýand a master of arts in child and adolescentÌýdevelopment from San Jose State University.ÌýWorks for the Riekes Center in Menlo Park,ÌýCalifornia as the manager of adaptive andÌýveterans programs. Married in May 2013 andÌýlives in San Francisco, California. RepresentedÌýthe United States Paralympic Track and FieldÌýteam at the 2015 World Championships in Doha,ÌýQatar, and in the 2016 Paralympics in Rio DeÌýJaneiro, Brazil.
Learning disability
Interested in teaching history or science.