2012 Achievement Highlights

Gabe, '06 Scholar

Co-author of the book, My Message is C.L.E.A.R.

Melissa, '07 Scholar

Initiated into Kappa Delta Pi, an international education honor society.

Jesse, '95 Scholar

Earned a master's degree in instructional design and technology at the University of North Dakota.

Nicco, '10 Scholar

Worked in an internship at the National University of Singapore with Dr. Paul Matsudaira.

Jessie, '11 Scholar

Earned an International Baccalaureate Diploma and an Award of Merit at her regional high school's art show. She was also an Advanced Placement Scholar with Distinction, and obtained an internship through the Young Scholars Program at the Center for Neurotechnology.

Tess, '11 Scholar

Member of her high school's Honor Society and the National Society of High School Scholars.

Heidi, '07 Scholar

Received an All ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State Academic Team award.

Vaughn, '11 Scholar

Accepted into the National Honor Society, obtained his driver's license, and received an award from his high school's science department.

Chanon, '98 Scholar

Raised $11,000 for Paws with a Cause.

Marlise, '10 Scholar

Acted in several plays at Western ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University.

Daman, '05 Scholar

Graduated from Western ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University with a bachelor's degree and was accepted into its accelerated one year MBA program. Also was appointed to the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State Governor's Committee on Disability Issues and Employment.

Diego, '11 Scholar

Was right offensive tackle on his high school's football team, which won the most games since 1999.

Macy, '11 Scholar

Graduated from high school with her associate's degree through the Running Start program.

Ryan, '00 Scholar

Received the Defense Contract Management Agency Commanders Coin and the One Team award.