2014 Achievement Highlights

Brenna Latchford, ‘13 Scholar
Was accepted with a full scholarship to the Yosemite NatureBridge project for summer 2014 and was the youngest filmmaker in the 2014 Port Townsend Film Festival.

Yomara Bedolla, ‘08 Scholar
Made the Dean’s list for fall and winter quarters in her senior year at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ (UW) Bothell.

Courtney Cole, ‘13 Scholar
Participated in the YES Program at the UW in the summer of 2014.

Dustine Bowker, ‘13 Scholar
Graduated high school in the top ten percent of all students in ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´.

Senait Tilahun, ‘03 Scholar
Participated in the 2012 Women’s Leadership program. Served on the board at the Ethiopian Community Center in Seattle.

Rahil Mehta, ‘13 Scholar
Participated in Youth and Government, a YMCA program where participants simulate a state legislative session.

Conrad Reynoldson, ‘03 Scholar
Became chair of the Governor’s Award Subcommittee and member of the Coordinating Committee for the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State Govenor’s Committee on Disability Issues & Employment.

Hannah Werbel, ‘13 Scholar
Participated in an internship at the Center for Sensory Neural Engineering (CNT).

Cristina Rodriguez, ‘10 Scholar
Will be the new disability outreach coordinator for the Associated Students of Western ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University for the upcoming academic year.

Mikayla Blomquist, ‘12 Scholar
Placed 21st nationally with her high school robotics team.

Andrea Kovich, ‘00 Scholar
Accepted into theatre arts graduate program at San Diego State University.

Kayla Brown, ‘05 Scholar
Officially joined DO-IT staff as a program counselor/coordinator.