Phase I Scholars


Group photo of 2002 DO-IT Scholars

Twenty-one Phase I Scholars attended their first DO-IT Summer Study session at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ in August of 2002. They learned about college life and participated in college and career preparation activities. Throughout the year, they communicate with each other and other participants and mentors. They use the Internet to support their academic studies, and they complete projects in exciting fields that include science, engineering, mathematics, technology, and business.

Image of Silvia
Silvia, '02 Scholar

My name is Silvia. I was born in Mexico on April 2, 1984. I was born with a disease called Ostrogenesis Imperfecta (brittle bone or glass bones), which means that my bones brake easily. I'm going to be a senior. My mother's name is Margarita and my father's name is Eleodoro. I have two older sisters, Maribel, who is married and who has a 6-year-old daughter and a son who is almost 2 years old; and my sister Lilia, who is also married, has two sons ages 5 and 2, and is expecting a third one. I also have two younger brothers ages 14 and 12.

Image of Amy
Amy, '02 Scholar

My name is Amy. I'm going to be in 12th grade. I love to fly and I plan to join the Airforce to become a pilot. I love to go out with my friends and see everything there is to see in life. I have a learning disability that interferes with my reading and writing. I also have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), which interferes with many things at school and home. This has been a challenge that I have had to overcome, but I feel I am doing well with it. I'm involved with lots of school programs such as Natural Helpers, group counseling, and peer mediation. I love to help out other people. I plan to get my Ph.D. in psychology and in education so I can be an 8th grade teacher. In my spare time, I plan to fly and drive race cars.

Image of Rebecca
Rebecca, '02 Scholar

Hello, my name is Rebecca. I'm 17 years old. I have a dog named Buck. He is a Golden Retriever- Blue Heeler mix. I really like Anime/manga (Japanese cartoons and comics). I have a reading disability. My two favorite subjects are Japanese and sports medicine. I'm going to be in the 12th grade this fall. Other interests I have are reading, writing, music, and playing on the computer.

Image of Ian
Ian, '02 Scholar

My name is Ian. This year I will be a junior. I'm interested in software engineering and computer-related occupations. I hope to learn several programming languages including C++, Java, and the like. I plan on going to college at the UW with help from DO-IT. My goal is to write a program that will assist me in world domination or get a steady job working at Microsoft.

Image of Saroj
Saroj, '02 Scholar

Hello! My name is Saroj. I'm 16 years old. I am going to be a junior. My favorite school subject is ASL (American Sign Language). I would like to become a child social worker, sign language interpreter, or a dancer. I have a learning disability. Things that have been most helpful for me are spell checker and grammar checker, breaking down sentences, and taking notes. The computer I got through DO-IT will be very helpful with my school assignments. I love hanging with my friends and snowboarding in the winter.

Image of GImmie
Gimmie, '02 Scholar

Hi. My name is Gimmie. I'm in the 12th grade. I'm going to the Skills Center for Career Management. I have a learning disability. I plan on going to a two-year community college and then transferring to a four-year college. I'm not sure what I want to do yet, but business and fashion design interest me the most. I love to sew and design clothes. My pride and joy is my cat Fuzz. He's a shorthaired gray and white tabby.

Image of Scott
Scott, '02 Scholar

Hi, my name is Scott. I am interested in nuclear engineering as a career. My favorite subject in school last year was U.S. history. I enjoy playing customizable card games like Star Wars and Yu-Gi-Oh! I also enjoy computer games like Starcraft, Brood War, and Mechwarrior4.

Image of Leon
Leon, '02 Scholar

Hi, I am Leon. I will be in the 11th grade this fall. I like to play on the computer, hang out with friends, read, and watch TV. My favorite subject in school is English because I have a good teacher.

Image of Mackenzie
Alexandra, '02 Scholar

Hi, my name is Alexandra. I enjoy dabbling in basic Web design, various crafts, and playing the clarinet in my school band. My career interests lie in research medicine, particularly virology or forensic pathology.

Image of James
James, '02 Scholar

Hi, my name is James. I will be a senior this year. I am interested in becoming a lawyer or an accountant. My hobbies include playing basketball and pool.

Image of Jared
Jared, '02 Scholar

Hi, my name is Jared. I will be a senior. Last year was a lot of work, but I had good teachers. I enjoy cooking and riding my bike. I also like science. I hope to be a doctor someday. I understand a lot about being a doctor because I've seen so many over the years. I was born with congenital heart defects. I've always been told I can't participate in sports, so I watch. Just in the last few months they gave me the okay to skateboard and ride bikes. I was an officer my freshman and sophomore years in high school. Last year I was voted onto the Junior Prom Court.

Image of Andrew
Andrew, '02 Scholar

Hi, my name is Andrew. I plan to work in the art field. Art is my favorite subject at school. I like comic book art and fine art. I live with my parents and brother. I enjoy karate, snowboarding, and swimming. I have gone on many school trips, including a visit to Maui, Hawaii, to study marine biology. I have also taken many art and pottery classes. I have a learning disability. I am a great reader, but I have problems with written language and organizational skills. I need help from DO-IT with improving my technical skills, making modifications for writing on the computer, and producing art on the computer.

Image of Rima
Rima, '02 Scholar

My name is Rima. I will be in the 11th grade this coming fall. I have Cerebral Palsy Spastic Dipleagia. I love reading, watching movies, and playing on the computer, especially on the Internet. I am in Key Club, Honors Society, and the FBLA at school.

Image of Chris
Chris, '02 Scholar

My name is Chris. My favorite subjects in school are Spanish, graphics, and math. I think that DO-IT will teach me how to better advocate for myself, making the transition to college easier.

Image of Carson
Carson, '02 Scholar

Hello, my name is Carson. I am going into 11th grade. I have one cat and I play the French horn in several different musical groups. I have a reading disability. I use assistive technology such as Dragon Naturally Speaking and WYNN Wizard to help me get through school independently. I am interested in design and engineering and would like to attend a university like the UW.

Image of Dale
Dale, '02 Scholar

Hi, I'm Dale. I have Cerebral Palsy. I will be a junior in high school. I am a football manager and also enjoy choir. I like life sciences but really dislike math. My favorite subject in school is law, and I hope to be a lawyer someday. DO-IT is helping me experience what campus life at my college of choice (UW) is like.

Ryan, '02 Scholar

Hi, my name is Ryan. I have Cerebral Palsy. I am 18 years old and I enjoy many things. To name a few, I love bi-skiing, tandem bike-riding, and fishing. I have a Golden Retriever, named Emma, and she is the pride of my life.

Image of Angela
Angela, '02 Scholar

Hi! My name is Angela. I am 16 years old and a junior in high school. I have a mild case of Cerebral Palsy, but I can do anything and everything anyone else can do. I am really into music: I play the piano and I sing. I love listening to the radio and my CDs. I listen to everything from the Backstreet Boys, Eminem, Sum 41, and the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, to Britney Spears. I'm not really into country music, but it's all good. I also like hanging out with my friends and having fun. I am very outgoing,. I can usually make friends easily. I really enjoy DO-IT because it gives me the chance to meet other teens with special needs. It's cool to meet new people.