Phase II Scholars

Phase II Scholars began participation in DO-IT in 2004 and attended their second Summer Study at the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ in August of 2005. During that session, they worked closely with University faculty; in small groups, they studied the Game of Life (computer image processing), oceans and the atmosphere, accessible design of Web pages, and virtual reality. Throughout the year, they communicate via the Internet and participate in DO-IT activities, projects, and internships.

Hey guys! My name is Andrew. I'm energetic and easy to talk to. As a senior in high school last year I was extremely busy with choir and performances. I was in every theatre production my school put on, which consumed most of my time. To add to my busy schedule I was a member of Vocal Jazz, and I also squeezed in a very successful track season throwing javelin. I have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and a learning disability in reading and writing. Accommodations, like extra time on tests, have been very helpful. My favorite subjects are theatre and music. I'm going to be a freshman at a state university this fall where I intend to major in musical theatre or performance. I have aspirations to be on Broadway someday, so keep your eyes and ears open!

Hey! My name is Laura and I'm eighteen years old. I graduated from high school in June and will attend a private university this fall. Because of an accident, I am legally blind in my left eye and suffer from a traumatic brain injury. In the past five years, I have faced many challenges both inside and outside of school. One thing that I am truly grateful for is how helpful and caring a lot of my teachers were. While I am at college, I plan to major in secondary education. A lot of things have influenced me to become who I am today. A few of these are God and faith, music, bunnies, sports and my community. I am glad that I was given the opportunity to be a part of the DO-IT community and look forward to getting to know all of you better!

My name is Lukas. I am a senior at the best high school there is. The full name of my disability is Amyoplasia Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita. My favorite classes were math, science, marching band, jazz band, and concert band. Now, because of my teacher, US History (probably going to be AP Government and Politics this coming year), marching band, jazz band, and wind ensemble. Outside of school, I enjoy hanging out with my friends, playing chess, playing on the computer, going to the movies, playing my instrument, and doing family things. I'm looking to minor in music and major in Communications and Finance. I hope to go to the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´, Whitworth College, University of Oregon, Gonzaga University, or Harvard. My biggest accomplishment this year were all the things I did wrong. Most people wouldn't say this is their biggest accomplishment, but I feel, because of those wrong-doings, I have become a much better person both on the inside and on the outside. I've learned a lot about myself and other people, especially the people closest to me. I've developed good habits and not so good habits. I'm slowly but surely working on my long list of bad habits so I should be straightened out by the fall.

Hi my name is Kathleen. This fall I will be a senior in high school. I am in the marching band where I play the Eb Alto saxophone, and I participate in several events in the Science Olympiad. I have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). I would like to pursue a career in biology, maybe entymology or microbiology. I am looking at the Science and Engineering Institute at ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ State University to continue my schooling when I graduate.

Hello all, my name is Carrie. I'm 18 years old and recently graduated from high school. In the fall I will attend community college and major in Musical Production. After I have completed the program, I hope to make a name for myself as a music producer.

Hi, my name is Tracy. I just graduated from high school, and plan to go to a community college for culinary arts. I have already lived on my own for over a year and a half, and it is going really well. One of my favorite hobbies is to play pool. I also enjoy hanging out with my friends and going river rafting. I have a learning disability that makes reading and spelling difficult.

Hello. My name is Amanda. I graduated from high school this spring. For the last two years I have been very involved in the world of art. I was accepted to an art college in Oregon but will first be attending a local community college this fall to take a few more art classes before I go. One of my paintings won a local high school art show and I went to Olympia, ÌÇÐÄÔ´´, to compete in the state art show. I love to paint, read and hang out with my friends and family.

Hi. My name is Daniel. I am 17 and a senior in high school. I am a member of National Honor Society and I am an Eagle Scout. Last year I had tons of fun in my CAD class (Computer Assisted Design). Outside of school, I run cross-country, downhill ski, play ultimate Frisbee, play golf, backpack (as a Boy Scout) and build things. I hope to become a mechanical engineer. I have a reading disability and am diabetic. Through DO-IT I have learned to use new technology that can reduce the time I spend on homework.

Hello to all!!! My name is Julie. I am 18 years old and just graduated from high school. My favorite classes this year were independent living, choir, math, and art. I was a member of the National Honor Society. I have three brothers and a sister; I am the oldest. I enjoy hanging out with friends, listening to music, playing on the computer, and reading. Last year I went to my first concert to see Sugar Ray and Matchbox 20. I was in the front row and Mark McGrath, the lead singer of Sugar Ray, came down and kissed me twice. Now that I have graduated from high school I plan to go to college and study to become an elementary school teacher.

My name is Meg. I will be a senior this fall. I have a disability called Cerebral Palsy, which affects my balance and depth perception. This past year I enrolled in an AP US history course, which is a vigorous curriculum to keep up with. I am student of the semester in French 2nd year, which really surprised me. I am exploring bioengineering as a career.

My name is Maryann. I am 19 years old and will be a senior this fall. I want to study disability law or accounting first at a junior college. I have my driving learner's permit and, with TONS of practice, my goal is to drive independently. I am active in 4H with a dog group and my family is currently raising a black lab to be an assistance dog to help someone else like my service dog, Fisher. I enjoy river rafting, water skiing, and snow skiing. I want to do it all!

My name is Alex. I'm involved with Youth Group and Scouts. One accomplishment that I'm proud of is earning my Communication Merit Badge. I successfully used my laptop to do this. Although I will enter 12th grade this year, I will take 2 years for my senior year. By doing so, I hope to not be as rushed this year as in 11th grade. I plan to go to a community college afterwards and work towards something in the field of writing. This summer, the week after DO-IT Summer Study ends, I'm off to Boy Scout camp in the North Cascades!

My name is Makenna. I attend high school. I will be a senior in the fall. Outside of school I like to hang out with my friends, listen to music, read, and annoy my tutors (just kidding). I also love to travel. I really want to go to Hawaii someday. I plan on attending community college and then a four-year university. I have Cerebral Palsy and a learning disability.

Hi! My name is Katie and I am heading into my senior year. I have two great parents, a younger sister, a bunch of super friends, and three furry cats. I have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Dyslexia so it often takes me a little longer to do things and I usually ask a lot of questions. I'm on the school play stage crew, and in the National Honor Society, and in Girl Scouts. I'm an active Catholic Girls Club leader as well. During my spare moments, I attempt to collect stamps, write, sing here and there, and hang out with friends. My favorite subjects at school are art (ceramics!!!), creative writing, American Sign Language (ASL), integrated science, and physics. Along with art, music, and writing, I also love nature, reading, my Faith, laughing, and sleeping in! After high school, I plan on attending a four-year college, entering a career that definitely involves working with kids (probably an elementary teacher, maybe an art therapist!), and then going paragliding!

My name is Ashley. I graduated from high school this year and will be entering a community college in the fall. During my senior year I got numerous awards including a silver cord for graduation, an unsung hero award from the school's Parents, and a recognition award from my drama/thespian society. I was Director of Costumes and Publicity for our last show of the year! At school I was also involved in the Student Government Association and organized the blood drives, pep rallies, elections, and other SGA activities. I like to volunteer at my local animal shelter (especially caring for and feeding all the cute cats), read, surf the web, talk on the phone, shop, dance, and listen to music. I was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome.

Hi, my name is Vishal. I will be a senior this fall. My accomplishments are becoming Associate Student Body president, speaking at school board meetings regarding school closures, and planning a canned food drive, two successful student dances, and a disability awareness week called "Understanding." I spoke in various classes about my disability. I also sold wristbands to raise money for Muscular Dystrophy, which I have. I like to play video games, watch TV, email, talk with people, and surf the 'Net. My career interests include being a sports journalist or broadcaster. Go Seattle sports teams!

My name is Garrett and I go by Bud. I have been visually impaired since I was in 4th grade. I am going to be a freshman at a private university in the fall. I will be in an entrepreneurial program, and I'm considering majoring in business. My favorite classes in high school were math, physics, and Spanish. I enjoy sailing and watching baseball.

My name is Russell. I have Duchennes Muscular Dystrophy and use a wheelchair. I am graduating from high school this year and will be attending a private university. I am interested in history, Spanish, and computers. In my spare time I enjoy watching baseball, drawing, reading, playing videogames, and spending time with my family.

My name is Michael. I recently graduated from high school, where I was involved in percussion ensemble and Honor Society and enjoyed computer, math, science and band classes. I completed a senior project in plumbing and a job shadow at Habitat for Humanity as well as helped remodel two of the bathrooms at my house. Outside of school I am a computer/console nerd; I love video games. I also like to go fishing, to baseball games, swimming, to water parks, and camping. I really enjoy being with my family and I love playing golf. My career goal is to be an engineer involved in the use of nuclear fusion as an energy source. I plan to attend community college. After I complete an Associates degree I would like to go on to a state university and get a Ph.D. in engineering. I have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), which means I have trouble sitting still and focusing on the current task at hand. I also have small motor and large motor disabilities, so I have a difficult time writing. DO-IT helps me be more independent and find creative ways to type out homework such as math and physics problems.

My name is Blanca. I'm 17 years old and will be a senior this fall. My favorite subject in school is math, and I also enjoy ceramics. I live with my parents, two brothers, and a sister. I am thinking of becoming a child psychologist because I enjoy working with children. I love to read, watch TV, and play on the computer. I was in an accident where I suffered a spinal cord injury, and I've used a wheelchair for 4 years. One of the things I enjoy about DO-IT is meeting people with similar and different disabilities who have gone on to do many creative and interesting things with their lives.

My name is Jessica. I will be a senior this fall. I enjoy being with my family, playing with my animals and babysitting. I hope to have a career in education, possibly as a kindergarten teacher.