Phase III Scholars

Group photo of 1994 DO-IT Scholars
Image of Anthony

I'm Anthony from Grand Forks, North Dakota. This past spring, I graduated from high school. This fall, I'm planing to attend Courage Center in Golden Valley, Minnesota to learn independent living skills, plus get some vocational training. After I complete this program, I am looking at beginning college to major in computer science or something in this area dealing with computers. My long-term goal is to become a developer of special technology like speaking devices. I really believe that my disability has been helped by technology, and I want to help other people like me with the aid of technology. I really thank DO-IT for pointing me towards this career.

Image of Ben

I'm Ben and I live in ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ state. I have Muscular Dystrophy. Well, another year has flown by, and I've made some significant changes in my life because of DO-IT. I graduated from high school last spring and will be attending the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ in the fall. My subjects of interest have increased dramatically because now I can access information on a whim. I've traveled the world on the Internet without even leaving my room. DO-IT has taught me to meet people over the Internet. Through my DO-IT contacts I worked in a paid internship at Pacific Northwest Labs last summer. Without DO-IT, I'd still probably be watching other people have success, but now they're watching me. Look out world, because Ben is coming and he's going to just DO-IT!!

Image of Daniel

My name is Daniel and I live in Olympia, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I am 18 years old. I have a learning disability. I have trouble with spelling and word comprehension. I graduated this year from River Ridge High School. I lettered three times in cross country and twice in track. I like scuba diving, down hill skiing, and a lot of other sports. I want to be a marine biologist when I get out of school. I am going to go to Pierce Community College this fall.

Image of Shawnna

Hi all! My name is Shawnna and I graduated from high school in ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ last spring. I am 18 years old. My illness is Muscular Dystrophy which attacks the muscles. But I get done what I need to, like going to school, which isn't really a task since I enjoy it. My hobbies include swimming, collecting baseball cards, watching TV, and working on my computer.

Image of Nguyen

I am Nguyen. I graduated from high school in 1996. In 1992, I suffered a gunshot wound to the right hemisphere of my head which paralyzed the left side of my body. I use a one-handed keyboard. I have lived many places, but I like ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ the best. I'm going to a community college next fall.

Image of Sarah

My name is Sarah. I graduated from high school in March of 1996. In April I attended a community college in Oregon. This fall I will be transferring to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, majoring in clinical lab science. My disability is a learning disability called Dyslexia which affects my reading, math, and spelling. The DO-IT program has really helped me a lot with understanding my disability and other types of disabilities. It has really made me open more doors for myself in believing I can DO-IT for life!

Image of Carolyn

Hi! My name is Carolyn. I will graduate from high school in ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ state this coming spring. In the future, I would like to teach science. I also enjoy writing in my spare time. I was born with Cerebral Palsy. I also have a neurological disorder that causes low vision.