Phase III Scholars

Phase III Scholars are completing high school or transitioning to college. Throughout the year, they communicate with other Scholars, Ambassadors, and Mentors and participate in DO-IT activities. Some become Interns at DO-IT Summer Study and participate in other work experiences. Once Scholars complete Phase II Summer Study and graduate from high school they became DO-IT Ambassadors. DO-IT Ambassadors are pursuing postsecondary studies and careers. They share their experiences with DO-IT Scholars and Pals, encouraging them to pursue their goals in college and employment.

Hi. My name is Peter. I was born and raised in Walla Walla. Although my disability can limit me at times, it has helped me gain strong computer skills. I attend Walla Walla Community College where I study computer networking and game design. I would like to work in the computer technology and video game testing fields. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

I am Liz. I just graduated from high school and will attend Cascadia Community College in the fall. My dream is to become a chef. In my spare time I like to go horseback riding and hang out with my friends. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

Hello. I am Blake and I graduated from River Ridge High School. When I was in high school, I was a percussionist in my school's band. I achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in March of 2009. I will attend St. Martin's University this fall. I am undecided about my major, but I might want to study business. I have cerebral palsy. I participated in a web accessibility training this summer. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

My name is Dylan. I have left-side hemiplegia, which primarily affects my left hand and arm. I graduated from South Whidbey High School, where I liked technology and art classes. My senior project was on sound engineering, and I was the engineer for some community plays. I also got to record my friend's band. I plan on attending Everett Community College. In the future I hope to become a sound engineer and produce music for bands. In my spare time I enjoy hanging out with my friends and using the computer for Internet, chatting, and music. Over this past year I have undergone successful open heart surgery. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

Hi. My name is Robyn. I will be a sophomore at Chapman University where I am majoring in athletic training. I joined a sorority (Alpha Gamma Delta) and was the coxswain for my university varsity crew team. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

Hello. My name is Stefani. I graduated from Sprague High School in eastern ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ just southwest of Spokane, where I was student body president. I attend Spokane Falls Community College and plan to transfer to a four-year school. I love music. Piano is my favorite instrument, but I also enjoy playing trumpet, flute, and guitar. My goal is to be a high school music teacher. I have a connective tissue disorder called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS).

Hello! My name is Joshua. I attend Grays Harbor Community College and would like to become a video game designer. I enjoy reading and playing video games. I hope to have a great Summer Study with all of you. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

Hi. My name is Sam. I graduated from Nathan Hale High School. I recently rode my second 250-mile bike ride as a fundraiser for Friedreich's ataxia, the mobility impairment I was diagnosed with. This impairment affects my balance. Last year we rode to Las Vegas, but this year the ride was to Seattle, so it was really cold and rainy. I have also raised a guide dog and am a huge sports fan. I love to play baseball, basketball, and football, as well as downhill ski. I will attend the University of Portland this fall and plan on studying business. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

Hi. My name is Ashlee. I graduated from North Kitsap High School and participated in Running Start at Olympic Community College. I am continuing to take classes at the college to help me pursue a career as a psychotherapist. I hope to earn a doctorate in psychology. I enjoy swimming, biking, and playing soccer. This summer I attended a leadership camp in ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ DC. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

Hi. My name is Sam. I am a student at Olympic College and a high school graduate of the PAL program in the North Kitsap School District. Last year I participated in the Running Start program at Olympic College, which allowed me to do high school and college at the same time. These unique experiences have given me an early look into the reality of college life. This was my third summer at DO-IT. DO-IT has helped me succeed with flying colors in both high school and college. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

Hi. My name is Cory. I just finished my freshman year at Evergreen State College. Because my dad is in the Navy, I have lived many different places, including Hawaii; San Diego; Rota, Spain; and La Maddalena, Italy. In Spain I was bullied and teased because the other students noticed I was different. This made my years of school in Spain and Italy difficult and lonely. Otherwise, my years in Europe were the best of my life, because of the travel and cultural exposure. I was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome in 2004, but it took me until junior year to begin socializing. Now, however, I am happy with the person I am and speak with people naturally. I enjoy listening to metal music, long distance running, and I take great pride in my long hair, as a symbol of my individuality.

Hi! My name is Melissa. I just recently graduated from Woodinville High School. I will attend Cascadia Community College and study English and teaching. I have spina bifida, which affects my mobility and my motor skills. In my free time I like to watch television, use the computer, spend time with my friends, read books, and write. I plan to go to college to become an English teacher so I can put my love of books and reading to good use. I participated in a web accessibility workshop this summer. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.
Hi. My name is Scott and I am from Anacortes, WA. I am interested in math and physical education. I have a learning disability called dyspraxia, which makes it hard for me to take notes when instructors are speaking or writing on the board or an overhead, so they make a copy of those materials just for me. I attend Skagit Valley College and would like to major in outdoor recreation. My career goal is to be a park ranger, because I like the outdoors and I like working with my hands. This summer I worked for the Mt. Vernon Parks and Recreation Department. I enjoy tennis, soccer, Ultimate Frisbee, hiking, cross-country running, hanging out with friends, and playing games.

My name is Megan. I will attend Bellevue College and before transferring to a four-year university. I enjoy art, theater acting, singing, dancing, writing, and helping the environment and wildlife. I have a neurological condition called Tourette syndrome, which is characterized by repetitive, involuntary movements and vocalizations called "tics." In my case, my tics are more severe. Even though my tics can exhaust me, overall I am a positive and energetic person. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

Hey! My name is Shyla, but you can call me Shy. When I was in a car accident in 2004, I sustained a traumatic brain and spinal cord injury. I missed a year of school but worked hard to catch up and was able to graduate on time with my class in '08. I now attend Yakima Valley Community College where I study computer aided design. I'm considering pursuing a career in space and computer mechanics, webpage design, or aqueduct work. I like vacations on lakes and in the woods, hanging out, and riding horses.

My name is Luke. I graduated from Curtis Senior High School. I am planning to go to Tacoma Community College and then transfer to the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´. I would like to study marine biology. I have an organizational problem but, mostly, I have attention deficit disorder (ADD). I am usually shy. I do socialize when I know someone but am nervous when using the phone or doing something that is not very comfortable for me. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

Hi, my name is Sara. I will be a sophomore at Evergreen State College. I am involved with our disability club and volunteer at the assistive technology lab on campus. I have a visual impairment. I love to write stories, and I enjoy reading poems. I was a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.

Greetings, Heidi here, but you can call me Phoenix. I am a female Aspie (which makes it interesting around the DO-IT watering hole, as most Aspies are male). Aspie, in my home language, means one with Asperger's syndrome. I am an aspiring writer and librarian. I have been published five times. I take classes at Cascadia Community College in library sciences, English, creative writing, and comparative literature. I am a Phi Theta Kappa student and an officer for an ASD support group on campus. I am a dedicated track and cross-country runner as well as a prolific staff member of a literary magazine. I have visited Japan and have a wide variety of talents and interests including anime/manga, comedy, writing, books, Aspie/alternative/geek culture, music, art etc. I also have an interest in autistic spectrum literature and like to share research. What I like best about DO-IT is that it encourages you to expand your horizons and make tons of great connections. Without DO-IT, I don't think I would have this much confidence and excitement for my future. DO-IT has helped with my aspirations and technical/leadership skills. This summer, I was an intern in the NOAA research library. I was also a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study 2009.